Another Promise?

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After performing the final rites of Karna everyone returned to their respective tent. They were heartbroken. But the most distraught of them all was Arjuna. Once he knew that Karna was his brother his ego was gone and so were the dark clouds surrounding his vision and for once he saw Karna for who he really is. A warm gentle soul who was radiating kindness, helping the people that needed him and supporting the friend that supported him in the time of need.

The next morning...

 It was still dark outside and appeared as if Surya dev did not want to visit the earth as his son was not there anymore. The flickering wood torches lit by the soldiers were the only source of light but when compared to the magnificent Kurukshetra battleground they served no purpose. 

In one of farthest corners where no light reached sat a man drowned in his own thoughts. The only things that made his presence known were the sound from his Armour and the tiny glint from the few jewellery pieces worn by him.

 It was Arjuna the third Pandava prince What a narrow-minded person I am? He thought. I knew Karna was an able warrior who was an equal match to me so instead of challenging him for a battle and showing my valour I chose to remain quiet when everyone denied him the chance to show his skils stating his questionable birth and status as the reason while I would have definitely stood up against such injustice to defend him if he was someone else. I am the worst person on earth I only saw brother Karna as my enemy and failed to recognize his greatness. I did injustice to my brother and so many people in the name of Dharma. The only way to redeem myself is to do penance and serve the sages in the forest for the rest of my life. Thinking so he left to find his brother Yudhishtra to make his decision known to him.

 The tent was dead silent. Yudhistra and Krishna were the only people there. Krishna's who had a calm yet serious expression on his face looked at Arjuna as if to say I know what you are here for and it is for no good. Arjuna saw that but ignored it and went to his brother. Kneeling down beside his brother he spake" Brother I have supported you all my life, took your wish as my command, never did anything against your will and never once did I ask for anything in return. But today I have come to ask for something promise me that you will not deny my request" 

Yudhishtra was shocked He has never seen his brother so heartbroken in his entire life. So he was willing to do anything to make Arjuna feel better"Arjuna, It is true that you have supported me all my life, all of my brothers have. I am so lucky to have you as my family because you have always treated me with respect and love even when I did not deserve it so it is not only my pleasure but also my duty to give you anything and everything that I can. Please ask for anything that I have without hesitation" He said

"Brother I know you will give me anything I want but I want you to promise me that you will not deny my request just to be sure because I know you will never break your promise under any circumstance" said Arjuna Realising that his brother was going to ask something important Yudhishtra made him stand up and hugged him. "Ok Brother if you insist I promise that I...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2020 ⏰

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