Chapter 10

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 Chapter 10

Gabby's Pov

~18 hours later~

(5:04 pm)

I woke up when the flight attendant said "Good afternoon ladies gentlemen. It is now 17:04. We will be landing shortly in 2 hours at the Philippines International Airport. So please enjoy and relax! Have a great day!"

Then all the screens infront of us showed us where we are right now and we're halfway to Taiwan.

Mom went up to us and said "Okay, guys, In an hour you need to pack your personal belongings, and make sure you dont leave anything in your seats, okay?"

We answered "yes, mom" and then she went to Kuya Mickey and Ate Alice and she said something in filipino words that we can't understand! Kuya and Ate Alice just answered them "OPO" which is i dont know what that word means. So, I turned to Aly and ask her "Aly, what does the word 'opo' mean?"

"Hmm.. ahh-hehe" Then she puts her left hand to her forehead like she's thinking about it. hahahahhaha

"Hehe hmmmm. I dont know?" see? hahahha

"Lmaoo! hahahaha Aly, you dont need to pretend that you know it. hahaha you're making me laugh." I say

I burst out into laughter because Aly is making me laugh so hard. She's doing the funny faces.

Whoooo! I cant breathe now!!

*inhale, exhale*

*inhale, exhale*

Okay im good!

Me and Aly just bothered Kuya and Ate Alice.


Time passed and its already 7:40. We packed our hand bags because there's only 20 minutes left before the plane lands.


*the plane lands*


After the plane lands the flight attendant spoke "Hello Ladies and Gentlemen! Welcome to the Philippines International Airport! It is now 20:00. Thank you for your cooperation and thanks for flying Air Canada! Have a pleasant stay in the Philippines!"


I looked through the window and its already dark.

We all stood up and start heading out. Im holding Kuya Mickey's hand while Aly is holding Ate Alice's hands. Mom and Tita Chanel were still giggling and talking.

We're done talking to the immigration embasies. We showed the guards our passports and let us in the waiting area for the luggages.

It took us a while to get our luggages. When we were done getting it, we went to the other side of the waiting area to sit and wait for someone to pick us up. We can see the stars shining through the see-through ceiling of the airport, cool!. We can see some people holding up banners and shouting "Here!".

Seriously? why dont they just put names?.. pshhh!


After a few minutes, our moms called us. They said that we need to go outside because the one who's going to pick us up is already there.

"Seriously?! Mom, we're going to pass by those people?.. argg. its so crowded." I said to my mom.

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