Chapter 2- Meeting with Mischief

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Jamming my keys into my dorm door, I twisted and twisted until the damn thing broke open. I wanted to smack it, or even break the door down, frustration coursing through me. God knows how hard it was to get a lift as I rummaged through the last of my pocket money to get a bus ride. Darcy hadn’t called me back, despite how I continuously left her messages.

Sunlight peaked through the windows and danced along the floor, the birds in the window chattering amongst themselves. The entire place was dead silent, and in most cases that would please me just to get a break from Rebecca and her parties, but something seemed unnaturally eerie. Not right.

And with the most recent circumstances, that feeling wasn’t helping with anything.

I slung my backpack off my shoulder and dropped it on the ground, the thud making me wince a little. The sound seemed to echo off everything, hitting the walls and ricocheting all back to my ears. My sneakers squeaked with every step I took, creating the most unpleasant noise.

“Hello?” I called. “Becca are you here?”

No response.

Shrugging off my unreasonable worry, I began walking to my bedroom. I hated how anxious I always was, how fear always seemed to prevent me from having the adventure I wanted. It was like this even on days when there weren’t terrifying premonitions or maybe-kidnappings. Continuing on like this, I would never be able to write a good story if I haven’t ever experienced anything. But that was the least of my worries for now.

Opening the door and entering, I suddenly hear a noise from somewhere beside me. My pulse picked up immediately, and I instinctively whirled around.

No one.

When I turned back, though, there he was. Him, standing right inside my bedroom.

I jammed my fingers inside my mouth to prevent myself from screaming. Maybe it was just my mind playing tricks on me, yes, it was just an illusion. Just-an-illusion.

But before the moment passed I had understood it really wasn’t. He was the one I had had seen in the first vision and the last, the man that haunted my conscientiousness.

I turned to flee, but suddenly he appeared at the door, blocking my way.

“It’s alright,” he said calmly. His had a British accent, low and unnaturally smooth. “There’s no need to be afraid, Gray.” His eyes told me differently. “Do you know who I am?”

My heart thunked painfully against my ribcage, heavily beating, almost so loudly I couldn’t hear anything. I nodded.

He looked surprised for a moment that I actually knew, but then he let out a lighthearted laugh. “Oh yes, I understand. You’ve had a premonition about this day, have you?”

I shook my head and then, realizing that this very well was probably what I’d seen earlier, nodded, my teeth clenching together. His being here seemed so impossible, but I had seen the impossible before. I stuttered, “Yes, how did you-”

He laughed, interrupting me. “You only would know that if you know who I am, which I’m assuming, you do not.”

“You’re- Loki- I saw- You were in New Yor-”

“Ah, yes,” he said, becoming serious. “New York. Quite a disaster, a couple months ago. And quite a burden, I imagine, for someone like you to have known about it.”

New York. I had barely been able to say it since, the two words painfully agonizing and sad in my mind. That beyond terrifying, horrid day in New York that brought together something that I thought unimaginable. The incident that started it all, because before that, I had never had a vision before. Or, at least, none that ever came true. But this one had come true, and I hadn’t done anything about it. I could’ve stopped it.

“You know my name is Loki, brother of Earth’s beloved Thor. I am the god of mischief, of trouble, of power. You do not seem to know, though, that I am another watcher of Earth, along with my brother and your ‘Avengers’ and Asgard knows how many others, but I am looking over a different part of you mortals. A more special sector of it.”

He stood a little less than a foot over me, lean yet strong, his dark blue eyes stared down, intense and pondering. He had sleek black hair and pale skin, a small smile displayed on his lips. Incredibly attractive, but incredibly frightening as well. Unlike in my visions, though, he was wearing a long dark wool coat and a suit underneath, giving him more human-like qualities.

But I knew he wasn’t human- he wasn’t human at all. He was responsible for so many deaths, and was ready to be responsible for millions more. He had planned to take over Earth, to become King of our species, but the Avengers had stopped him before it was too late. Whatever he was doing in my room, it couldn’t be for a reason other than good.

I was still shaking, but I managed to pry through my teeth, “Why are you here?”

He looked at me intently. “My my, I was sure you’d have some of the slightest idea; as I’d think you could see it.” He cocked his head to the side. “You have something inside of you, Gray, something I’ve been searching for for a long time. Surely you’ve heard of the Tesseract if you’re so aware of the incident in New York, and perhaps the Aether- they are what we call infinity stones. And, as far known, there are at least four more. Six in all. One manipulates space, another soul, reality, power, space, and, of course, time.”

I stared at him, my eyes wide. He knew about my power- this curse.

“A couple months ago, the power of each infinity stone escaped from wherever they happened to be, and embodied themselves in six different mortals of Midgard, ahem, Earth.”

My voice was quiet, tense with the strong urge to run. “Why are you telling this to me?”

He took a step forward, and I involuntarily took a step back.

“I think you know why,” he murmured in return, his eyes meeting mine. “You are one of the six beings, and the power to manipulate and see through time is now a part of you. That gem is in your heart, and if you wanted to, you could travel back to see the Black Plague in action, the time of the Aztecs, all those silly little incidents you humans have. You could go anywhere.”

My mouth parted in surprise against my will, and he seemed to be amused by it.

“Oh yes,” he said. “All you know now is what you can’t control, the premonitions. But I can teach you to do almost anything. If you wanted, I could help you slow down your aging process and even become immortal, as I am. I want you agree to let me help you.”

“That’s why you’re here, in my room, talking to me?” I finally found the courage to speak louder, understanding he wasn’t going to kill me- at least for the moment. A bit of disgust snaked into my voice, for both him and myself. “You want to teach me to become more of a monster?”

He took another step, his face lined with sympathy. I didn’t move backward, but not an ounce of me did I trust him.

“No, no,” he murmured. “Not a monster. A goddess. You and the others will come to your true potential. I want to help you. And if the only thing that scares you is what happened in New York, you may now understand that I regret what I’ve done. I regret being a monster, and I chose now to leave your humble Earth alone.” His pretty eyes stared into me, and a part of me started to give in. “But I want you to come with me.”

Time and Mischief (Loki Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now