Chapter 7- Sif

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I walked down a long hall, the narrow walls made of the same metallic stone. The guards that escorted me had caused me to jump the moment I’d seen them. They were thick, with arrow shaped noses, large pointed ears, extremely pale skin, and death black eyes that swallowed up even the whites. Apparently no one else had needed to be escorted, but I was too “unpredictable.” They snarled at me, shifting over their loaded weapon belts and heavy metal armour as if to threaten me, or to frighten me.

Well, it worked.

We turned into a great steel door, and as they looked for some sort of key to fit inside, I looked around.

The hall seemed to extended greatly, and I saw multiple spindling staircases leading to somewhere higher.  The whole place looked so intimidating, so cold. It reminded me of a story I’d been writing a couple years ago, where a group of kids were kidnapped and taken to a lab facility beneath the earth. Unfortunately, the stories now seemed to be quite similar.

One of the guards caught me by the neck, wrenching me out of my daze in surprise, and shoved me through the door. They slammed it behind me, and I heard a little click lock into place.

The room was all dark and empty except for a single light that hung over a sinister steel table. I had been anxiously expecting Loki to be there, but instead it was a young woman in a gold-bound dress. A sword lay in it’s sheath on her waist, her black long hair almost to that point. She had a small long nose on a pretty yet somehow less feminine face, only a tight expression on her features.

“Hello, Time-Traveler,” she said in a strong voice. “I am Sif, and before Loki comes in, it is my job to ask you a few questions.”

So Loki would be coming, I thought. Before I knew it, a shiver of fear and something I couldn’t define was sent down through my spine. I was so confused by the second emotion that I hadn’t even heard “Sif” asking me to sit down.

I shook myself out of it when I heard her scowl, and I hastily took a seat across from her. The chair I was in was hard and cold, the rivets that held it together prodding into my back.

“Some of these we already know,” she told me. “But it doesn’t hurt to confirm.”

I swallowed, preparing myself.

“Name,” she began.

“Gray Lewis.”




“Hudson, Wisconsin.”


“I have one sister- Darcy.”


I bit my lip. “They’re- dead. Plane crash. It was… a thunderstorm.”

She looked up from her pen and paper. I thought she was going to say something, but, with a brief apologetic look, she continued.

“When did your powers first come into access?”

“About four months ago, I think. A couple days- maybe a week, b-before the incident in New York.”

She barely hesitated. “What do you know you can do?”

“I’ve only ever gotten visions, or premonitions. They’re all of the near future. I didn’t know that there was anything else to be learned.”

“Have you told anyone about your power?”

“No,” I said. “No, I haven’t.”

She nodded and replied, “Good.”

“Do you have an occupation?”

I shrugged. “I love to write- plays especially.”

She met my eyes. “I do hope you’ll appreciate a good tragedy, then.”

In most cases, I wouldn’t have thought anything of that, but the way she said it implied I should be worried. Another shudder was sent down to my lower back, but there was no funny feeling this time. I opened my mouth, but quickly she spoke before me.

“What are your thoughts on Loki?” Her quick sideways glance told me that this was of her own wondering, and not on the assigned questions.

I wanted to say, “he’s insane” or “he should be locked up and have the key thrown away” but for some reason the words wouldn’t come.

“I think-” I paused, speaking quieter. “I don’t think he can be trusted. I don’t trust him, Jane doesn’t trust him, none of you people should trust him, not even the creatures in this place, or you. I’ve seen what he’s like, in my visions. It’s like-”

My words were cut off when I felt a sudden presence behind my chair. Immediately getting to my feet and spinning around, I stood face to face with Loki.

He smiled at me, a smile that attempted to be friendly but hid something dark behind it. “Good, good,” he murmured, commenting on my words from before.

“Thank you, Sif,” he said. “You’ve been very helpful.” She nodded and bowed, then walked casually out of the room.

He wasn’t wearing a suit and coat, nor a cape of gold armour. Instead he sat simply in a dark green shirt with a little bit of dark silver armour over his shoulders, black pants over his legs. Like the creatures, he had a weapons belt on as well, but it held only daggers and a sword, in comparison to their axes and diamond blades. His deep blue eyes carefully watched mine. Leaning forward on the table, he threatened me to flinch, but I didn’t, although it took difficulty.

Surprisingly, he looked satisfied with my reaction. He clasped his hands together.

“It’s lovely to see you conscious. Now, let’s begin.”

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