Chapter 2: The Shift

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Chapter 2

Callie's POV...

I never expected to be my Alpha's mate but what I feared came true. He didn't want me. After his painful rejection, pain and loneliness like no other filled me. It was dark. How much time had I sat on the ground paralyzed? It didn't matter, I could barely feel myself, I felt numb, and soon I wouldn't be able to feel anything. I was barely conscious when I felt strong arms wrapping around me and carrying me off the ground. "It's alright Cal," said Davis's soft voice but it wasn't enough to sooth me. I was broken.

I don't know when I fell asleep but the next morning I was on my bed. I got up and walked to the mirror, my face was red and it looked like I had cried myself to sleep the night before, my eyes were glassy and puffy. What had happened? I couldn't seem to remember. Had I shifted? Had I found my mate? Why had I been crying? It made no sense.

Unable to recall yesterday's events, I put on black jeans with a white tank top along with a grey cardigan. I noticed something then, my wolf. It was gone. I couldn't feel it. Worried I decided to walk to school to think. "Cal, are you okay?" asked Davis once we were in school and I nodded. Trying to break the ice he said, "So what color is your wolf?"

"My wolf? I don't know," I said as a pounding headache began to form.

"You didn't shift?" he asked sounding worried.

"I don't think so," my headache was seriously painful now. I couldn't concentrate, I could only hear the echoing of voices.

"Cal, are you sure you're alright?" When I didn't respond my friend tensed and I could feel waves of wariness rolling off him. "Cal? Cal! Say something!" he yelled but I couldn't. I was getting dizzier and it was getting harder to focus, to breathe.

"Someone help!" yelled Davis and I only felt myself being carried by strong arms that sent tingles through me. Tingles? Why was I suddenly feeling tingly? Was I shifting? Getting sick? Dying? A sudden burning sparked in me then.

I screamed, or I thought I screamed. Fire was consuming me and it was getting harder to breathe. My bones felt like they were made of paper as they cracked, broke and rearranged themselves. "Make it stop!" I yelled but nobody answered. The worst part was I knew I was shifting but I couldn't feel my wolf. Blackness took over.


James's POV...

I had woken up with Riley's arms wrapped tightly around me. I quickly took her arms off me and took a shower before getting ready for school. I looked at Riley once more and frowned. The night before she could't seem to satisfy me, I was almost numb when it all happened, was it because of the mate bond? I huffed, doesn't matter, I rejected her which basically unbounded us.

I sneaked out of my house, not prepared to face my mother's rage. Riley could take care of herself, I left her alone and drove to school. The parking lot was almost full but thankfully my usual spot was free. I walked into the school building. Students were walking through the halls talking. I felt the sudden presence of my wolf and I smirked, Glad to have you back.

My wolf growled but didn't say anything, instead he took control of my eyes. My eyes roamed the halls of the school, looking for something or someone. I knew who he was looking for. Her smell was near and she had been here a short time ago. My wolf was following her scent, I tried to regain control but he wouldn't budge.

Something felt and smelt wrong. There was no fighting with my wolf as he turned on a corner and I saw someone laying on the ground and the boy who always followed Callie around was there. My wolf quickened our pace, he was worried.

I smelt her before I could see her. Callie was on the floor, not moving. Her friend was telling her to wake up as he tried to shake her awake. My wolf got closer and growled. The guy flinched and stepped back. Callie looked pale and her bones looked broken. Gently I picked her up.

I held Callie tightly in my arms. It was the instinct to protect. I handed Callie over to Scott once I saw him. I had regained control and I didn't know what to do, "Take care of her." Around us, people were staring and pointing. Scott looked confused. I was too, I was always careful to not show affection but right now she was broken and so was I.


Scott's POV...

As soon as James shoved Callie into my arms I took Callie to our pack doctor as fast as my legs could carry me. This wasn't supposed to happen. When you first shift this doesn't happen, something is definitely wrong. The pack doctor, Dr. Danielle, a young looking woman with dark eyes, dark hair and a little short for a werewolf, took Callie from me and made me wait outside in the waiting room.

When she walked out I looked at her expecting good news but as I saw her face my hope began to fade. "Is she alright?" I finally asked and the doctor shook her head. "She's in a coma state and her body isn't responding to the medication."

"But she was shifting; I could feel it, what happened to her?"

The doctor once again shook her head, "I don't know what to tell you, I don't know what happened but I'll try to help as best I can." I nodded and the doctor walked away.

I sat beside Callie with my parents. At first just for a few minutes, those minutes turned to hours and those hours into days. She remained the same. "Mom, dad, I think you should go home and rest," I suggested. My parents weren't doing so well, in fact, they looked worse than me. They seemed to age from the lack of sleep and worry that covered their faces. They hesitated but they decided not to argue with me before nodding and leaving.

My phone vibrated from my pocket and I picked up without checking the ID. "Hello?"

"It's me Scott," said James.

"What's wrong? Did something happen?" I asked.

"Nothing you need to worry about, I was just checking on you. How's your sister?"

"The same," I sighed, "they still don't know what happened to her."

There was a silence on the other end. "Listen James, I'll let you know if something changes. Bye," I said before hanging up.

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