Chapter 5: Gone

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Chapter 5

Callie's POV...

I busted into my house and ran to my room ignoring my mother's yells from the kitchen. It wouldn't matter anyway, it was all over. Tears streamed down my face but I couldn't break down now, I needed to keep moving. I slammed my closet open and took my bag out.

 "Callie, open this door right now!" yelled my mother from outside but I didn't obey, I took most of my clothes out of the closet and shoved them inside a bag. 

"I'm sorry mom," I whispered, tears running down my face, and I jumped out of the window. I sprinted into the woods. It was done, I couldn't look back. I shifted and ran, far away.


When my paws couldn't take it anymore I stopped and was met with lots of growls coming from everywhere. I was pushed and I tripped landing on the ground. A dark wolf loomed over me, his feral look and his violet cold eyes made me realize who he was, Eric.

Who is Eric you might ask, well he's the most dangerous wolf with a rebellious pack who wanted nothing to do with peace. I guess you could call them rogues and Eric is like their 'King'. "Well well well look at what we have here," said one of the wolves smiling mockingly at me. 

"It sure is a price, a beauty too," said another. 

"Quiet!" ordered Eric and everyone stopped and stared, "who are you beauty?" 

I growled and instantly he lunged at me and had me pinned against the ground. 

"Answer me!" He yelled.

I whimpered, "Callie, Callie Reyes." 

Recognition flashed across his face, "Beta Reyes's daughter from the Silver Moon Pack?" I nodded. "Well boys I think we just found ourselves a reason to take over that pack." There were howls of agreement and excitement all around. What have I done?


James's POV...

Seeing Callie look at me with so much disgust and hatred made me realize what I'd done. I killed Davis, her best friend. Before I could apologize she was out of the room. "James, what have you done?" said Scott bewildered. I shook my head and sprinted after Callie, she had to forgive me, she had to, I needed her and it was a mistake to let her go. I was so stupid.

I approached her house, I could hear her mother yelling and I panicked. I shifted behind a tree and took some clothes I found nearby. As I knocked on the door the yells died down and fast footsteps were approaching.

 "Alpha James?" said Callie's mom's confused voice. 

"I was looking for Callie, can I come in?"

 She nodded, "her room is upstairs to the left." I nodded and murmured 'thanks' before running to her door. It was quiet, too quiet. "Callie?" A moment passed, then another and another, still no answer. I opened the door and found a mess, her closet was open and it was almost empty, on her bed laid three letters, one for her parents, one for Scott and one for... me?

I took it and opened it, it said...

Alpha James

I'm sorry I've caused you so much trouble, I never wanted this and I'm positive you didn't want it either. That is why I must go, I can't stay. You've made me suffer more than anyone else ever has. Never in a million lifetimes would I have imagined you as what you've become, a coward, scared of what the future holds, a player who doesn't want to let go of his selfish ways and lastly, a murderer, you killed my best friend and it became too much. That is why I must leave and never come back. I pray I will never have to see you again and please don't try to find me. To me you're dead. Might as well say it now... I, Callie Reyes, daughter of Beta Reyes, reject you Alpha James Knight as my mate.

Fire raged inside of me and I gasped. A loud snap filled the room. Our bond, it was broken. I lost everything, my friends, the pack's respect and most importantly, my mate. My wolf took over and shifted. He ran out and howled mourning his mate and all that could've been. Raindrops fell from the sky and her scent began to fade but her last words remained, a silent promise stayed, don't look for me.


Scott's POV...

Shocked, that's what I was. I'd never seen James like that it's just, not real or possible. But he was like that, he snapped and killed my sister's best friend and not only that, he hurt my sister. I growled remembering the scene before my eyes. After the fight Callie ran out and minutes later James followed her. "Scott?"

"What?" I said coldly to Daniel. "Aren't you going to make sure that Callie is alright?" I snapped. How come I didn't think of that?! Without another word I raced out of the cafeteria towards my house. I found my mother in Callie's room crying holding a letter. When she noticed me she handed me an envelope, it said...


I'm so sorry I didn't want to do this or maybe I did, I don't know, all I know is that I have to go I can't stay here obeying that so called "Alpha". He killed my best friend Scott and I'm the only one who knows why besides James. Davis knew something that now I want you to know. James is my mate, he rejected me. When Davis found out he snapped and he had a fight with James. James, being the Alpha he is, attacked Davis and well, he killed him. I'm really sorry for not telling you before but I couldn't, now it really doesn't matter, it's over, I'm gone and I rejected him, our bond is gone, broken. Please don't think too bad of me for running away, know that if I could stay I would. Don't look for me; I just want to start all over again somewhere else. Take care bro, I love you.

Your little sis,


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