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"It's difficult in times like these: ideals, dreams and cherished hopes rise within us, only to be crushed by grim reality. It's a wonder I haven't abandoned all my ideals, they seem so absurd and impractical. Yet I cling to them because I still believe, in spite of everything, that people are truly good at heart."


I cracked open my eyes and blinked away the blurriness as my vision focused. I noticed it was white.

Completely and utterly white and I hated it.

Plus it was cold. Not a great combination if you ask me.

My eyes scanned all around but it was the same wherever I looked. I felt as if I was in one of those padded rooms for the mental. Nothing in it but myself, to quietly and slowly go insane.

Dread seeping in, I wanted to get out of this eerie place. I tried to sit up but my body wouldn't budge. It felt like an invisible force was holding me down and planned to keep it that way.

I paused confused. Trying once again to stir some motion into my limbs, failing almost immediately, my heart began to beat erratically. Anxiousness of what was wrong coursed through me.

I gave up on moving then and decided to try and scream out.

'There has to be some on here, right?' I chided to myself.

The world was just against me today I presume, because something in my throat was blocking my attempts at speaking. I looked down trying to see what it was, struggling against the weight on my body.

I caught a glimpse of it and realized it was a tube going straight into my mouth. My body finally registering the feel of the tube inside me, suddenly tried to reject it. Pushing my mind to hyper alert my throat constricted either to pull the tube more down or push it back up and out.

My tongue felt numb and dry from my mouth being held open by the tube. My jaw ached and seemed to be stuck in its position due to it also. If I wasn't freaked out already this definitely took the blue ribbon.

I mean really. Who wants to see a tube coming out their mouth; or even feel one?

Nobody. Thought so.

I tried to then pick my arm up to pull it out. Though when my hand wouldn't move I glanced down and my eyes widened in horror.

Wires, and a lot of them. Five on my forearm and six in my upper arm.

They looked like worms under my skin, little bulges raising my skin to become almost translucent. It was as if they burrowed there own crevices and homes into my arms. Dried blood surrounded the openings making it appear even more gruesome. The wires ran from my arms directly into the slate of metal I was laying on disappearing out of sight.

I felt my stomach turn and dry heave, but get stuck by the tube, making my eyes water.

My mind started to panic and plead with my hands to get up and take these things out. My useless limbs would have none of that though. Nothing would apparently.

I tried screaming again but it got muffled with the tube and came out as a very quiet wheeze. Tears started spill over in little rivers. My breathing picked up as well, causing the tube to move and rub the inside of my throat, making me choke and shake with the pain.

I started to hyperventilate due to the lack of oxygen now not entering my lungs. Painful tears now springing to my eyes. I tried again in vain to move some part of myself. My eyes looking around praying to spot something or someone to help me out of the hell that is my body.

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