Chapter 1: TFDOS pt.1

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Chapter 1: The First Day of School. Joy.

"Bullshit. That's what high school is!" I yelled to my phone on the other end of my bathroom counter.

"Really? That's all you have to say before our first day of school!?!" the phone hollered back at me, well, my best friend Veronica who was on the other side.

"You're hopeless..." she sighed quietly.

"Hey! I can still hear you!!! Plus I am not hopeless. I just look at things realistically." I called back. I turned back toward the mirror and continued to try to put my contact in my left eye that just kept popping out.

"Well, if you would rather look at the glass half empty for the rest of your life; then please be my guest. However I'm telling you now. One of these days it's going to fill up and you're going to lose your fucking mind." She scolded.

"You're horrible at that you know." I scoffed. Finally getting my left contact in. Now for the other one.

"At what?"

"That therapeutic speech stuff or whatever." I rolled my eyes mainly at my phone but also to try at get my stupid contact in. There was a pause and no sound came out of my phone for a couple seconds. I looked over at it to make sure it didn't turn off. "Veronica?" I eyed my phone.

"............You're a bitch, you know that right?" She whispered in a deadly voice. I couldn't help it I started laughing. "But I still love you." she continued.

"Love ya too. See you at school." I answered then hung up to continue getting ready for what everyone knows as The First Day of School. Dun Dunn Dunnn.

The only evil I see ahead is the piles of homework, pestering teachers, and the trouble of 'fitting in'. I can already tell this is going to be difficult, even as I walk through the crammed and noisy hallways of Everstate High School.

I look around seeing the mixed emotions written all over the desperate and tired faces of the student body. Some of which are nervous while others look anxious and excited, some are even sparkling in the eyes.

'Freshman. Just like me.' I roll my eyes and continue to push through the fluster of people to get to my locker.

One thing I was looking forward to was rekindling with my old friends from middle school - I sound so young when I put it like that. I begin to look around in search of my locker number hoping to spot it.

As I gaze around I feel a tap on my shoulder and look behind me to come face to face with my best friend.

"Hey Jenny!" yells Veronica - my ever so common nickname - into my ear nearly deafening me.

"Hi Veronica" I tell her as I rub my ear as it begins to ring. "Thanks for practically blowing my ear off by the way." I glare.

Veronica smiles back at me with a glint in her eye then continues on "I still can't believe we made it. For a second there I was sure I was going to fail last year and you would move on without me!" she puts a hand to her forehead and leans on me. I gently nudge her with my elbow and smiled at her "Yeah. Right. You would be miserable without me. Plus I'm pretty sure you would force me to fail right along with you."

"Haha. Jenny, you know me to well my friend." she says as she pats me on the back. I roll my eyes and laugh at her quirkiness.

She's right though. I've known her longer then I can remember. Her mother and my mother were the BEST of friends in high school and never lost touch.

So when they found out they were both pregnant at the same time, that basically sealed mine and Veronica's fate. They would call each other everyday and talk about if one of them had a son, how we were to marry in the future.

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