Chapter One

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Warning: This story is not edited and will probably have a lot of minor mistakes. Also the updates are random because I write it for fun. But enjoy anyway!

Chapter One

Megan's P.O.V

Rain began to drizzle as my car gently came to a stop at the red light. I knew a storm was headed our way, so I had to get to the grocery store quickly.

Tonight was Friday night, or as me and my best friend Liz liked to call it, movie night. Every Friday we watched movies and ate a bunch of ice cream. Maybe not the healthiest choice, but most delicious.

Once the light flashed green, I drove forward while turning up the radio. Rolling my eyes at the stations song, Story of My Life by One Direction, I immediately changed the station. Personally, I thought they had it on too much, but people like Lizzie didn't mind listening to it over and over again. She was probably the biggest fan I knew, where as I preferred Imagine Dragons, like the song Bleeding Out  which was currently playing.

Quietly singing to the song, I pulled into the grocery stores parking lot. I attempted to find a place close to the front, due to the rain. Sighing in frustration as I passed all the spots near the entrance, I drove to the back where multiple spots were left open.

I made a quick right as I pulled into a parking space and hopped out of my silver Hyundai Elantra. Cold winds traveled up my spine and caused shivers to attack my body and make me hold onto my jacket tighter. I despised all this cold weather and rain. Winter was my least favorite season, with its harsh winds and constant snow fall.

Taking cautious steps so I wouldn't fall like the clumsy person I was, I dodged each rain puddle. A smile appeared on my lips as I made it all the way to the sliding doors in one piece.

As soon as the doors automatically opened, warm air invaded my senses and caused my stiff, cold body to relax. Grabbing a cart, I started to look for the freezer section. I mentally cursed myself for picking another squeaky cart, something I always accidentally ended up doing. Seriously, it was like I was magnet for overly annoying shopping carts.

 I scanned the signs above the aisles until they came to a halt on what I was looking for. The cart squeaked the entire way there and I even got some glances from other customers because of the annoying sound. The freezers were so cold, each glass door was covered in fog and made it too clouded for me to see their selection. Sighing I opened all the doors until I found the ice cream, and with my amazing luck, it happened to be the last freezer.

Looking through all the different choices, I snatched up strawberry for Liz and Birthday cake for me. I placed them in my empty cart and decided on picking out two more, one chocolate and one vanilla.

Now that ice cream was checked off my list I headed to the candy. I could never pass up candy, especially on Friday night movie night. Going straight to the Sour Patch kids, I took two of the biggest bags they had and threw them into my cart.

Checking the time as it neared 7:00 p.m. I started to make my way to the front of the store, until I began to get an uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach. Almost like a pair of eyes were secretly prying where they weren't wanted, staring directly at me.

Whipping my head in all directions I saw that I was the only one in this aisle. Even though I could feel someone else staring at me as their eyes burned holes into my back and put me into a state of fear that made me uncomfortable, I couldn't pin point where they were coming from.

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