Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

Megan's P.O.V

I wasn't sure when I managed to fall asleep, but I did. The time read 5:04 a.m. and the room I was currently laying in was almost completely dark, the faint red bedside clock keeping it from total darkness. Rubbing my eyes, I followed the small amount of light the clock gave off and found a lamp. I switched the light on, having only a dim glow cast across the room. Even though it wasn't bright, I still squinted my eyes.

I was hoping when I turned the light on, it would reveal my bedroom. But instead of seeing my light pink walls and a black dresser, I saw white walls and a brown dresser. As much as I wished to return to my house, I knew I couldn't. I was stuck in this house, with a man that made butterflies uncontrollably fly throughout my stomach.

Getting off the bed, I walked to the bathroom like a zombie. My feet dragged across the floor, to tired to lift up from the ground to walk properly. Putting my hand on the knob, I slowly opened the door and walked in. I wasn't paying to much to my surroundings, considering I was still half asleep, but when my eyes saw the figure that was currently standing in the bathroom they opened as wide as saucers. Standing there, in all his glory, was none other than my kidnapper himself. He had a towel wrapped around his perfectly toned torso, lightly covered in small water droplets.

My pulse suddenly stopped as my breath got caught in my throat. I wanted to look away, but being the typical girl I was, my eyes couldn't move from his god like body. I heard him clear his throat, my eyes snapping to his piercing blue ones, taking me out of my trance.

A small smirk started to play at the corner of his lips, making me remember how much I didn't like him at the moment. My eyes turned into slits as I slammed the door shut. I stomped all the way to the bed, sitting on the edge and crossing my arms.

Shuffling in the bathroom sounded and a couple moments later the door opened, my kidnapper walking out from behind the door with clothes on. He stopped right outside the bathroom, staring me down. His eyes focused in on my form, evaluating me. Heat started to travel up my spine, the butterflies in my stomach turning into some kind of frenzy. His gaze made me nervous, making me unable to sit still.

He started walking towards me, taking a seat directly beside me. "Please, just talk to me." He begged.

Of course I didn't say anything, or show any emotion. On the inside I was happy, glad that he had to beg to get a single word out of me. I wasn't going to give him what he wanted, at least not until he gave me what I wanted.

"At least eat something. You don't even have to talk to me, just eat." He begged again. I only gave him a hard glare, getting up from the bed. I was planning on walking to the chair across the room, but his hand grabbed my arm, stopping all my movements. Tingles immediately started to spread throughout my body like wildfire, starting from my arms to my legs.

Turning around, I glared at his hand as it was still holding onto my arm. He quickly let go, his arm returning to his side. For a moment he didn't say anything, just continued to stare at me. There was a small amount of tension rising in the room, but I decided to pass it off as nothing.

Avoiding his gaze, I saw another tray of food sitting on the bed. It had some scrambled eggs with a side of toast, making me wonder how I hadn't noticed it sitting there before. I could hear my stomach making baby dinosaur noises and I felt weak from not eating for days, but I wasn't going to give in.

He still looked at me, not saying a single word. I began to get impatient, wondering if he was just going to leave me alone already. He was wasting his time, trying to get me to do something I knew I wouldn't do.

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