Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen

Will's P.O.V

"She's gone." I gravely whispered to Megan, my voice rough and hoarse. My clothes were stuck to my body like another layer of skin and droplets of water ran down my face and disappeared into the fabric of my shirt. I couldn't come to terms with the reality of the situation. Of course I knew Lizzie wasn't okay with this, not like Megan was. But I didn't think she was so set on leaving. Was I that bad? Did I really scare her like the monster I was turned into?

My jaw ticked with anger and I suddenly got the need to wreck something. How could I have been so stupid? It was my idea to just kidnap them in the first place. I allowed the want of my soul mate to become so strong that I went to irrational measures to get it. Not once did I think of how it would affect her and now she was probably hurt and it was all my fault.

I felt a hand touch my shoulder and my eyes snapped to Jackson, a solemn expression on his face. "We'll find her." He spoke, his voice not wavering and oozing confidence. I stiffly nodded my head but turned around and walked to the only room in the house that seemed to calm me down.

I took long strides until I was at the end of the hall. Opening the door, I slammed it shut and took deep breaths as my eyes scanned the room. This room had been my parents bedroom back in the 1920's. Jackson and I chose to stay in my old house, mainly because it was out of sight and away from human civilization.

Where the bed used to be was now a mesh of broken pieces of wood. Picture frames were thrown off walls and the curtains that sat on the window were now ripped to shreds. It looked like someone had come into this bedroom with a bulldozer, but with my anger, it's something I could compare it to.

I never used to be as angry as I was now. I guess I could thank my parents for that, which is the reason I chose this room to wreck. Destroying their things when I was angry seemed to get rid of some of my pent up anger. It was their fault, after all, that Jack and I were these monsters. Although, he didn't see it that way. Jackson was okay with it, but I wasn't, and never was.

I picked up an untouched chair and looked at it for a moments time, remembering it had been my father's favorite. Chucking it at the wall with in-human force, I watched as each of its legs and arms crumbled to pieces and land on the floor with a clunk.

A wave of satisfaction washed over me and I picked up a picture frame with the glass already cracked, but not fully broken. I raised my arm once again and threw it at the wall with as much strength as I could muster. The sound of glass broke and shattered in every direction, causing shards and pieces of the picture frame to go flying. A small gasp and movement by the door caught my attention and I found Megan's body standing next to the door, her arms blocking her face from the picture frame fragments that bounced off the wall.

I stared at her with wide eyes. What was she doing in here? Letting out a low growl, I stalked towards her until she was so close, she had to lean back. She didn't seem intimidated by my cold glare. Her expression didn't falter.

"You know..." Megan paused, pursing her lips and motioning to the room around her, "this isn't a very healthy way to get rid of anger. Not to mention quite dangerous." She pointed to a little cut on the side of her arm from the glass frame and my shoulder slumped in shame. My tempter could get a little out of hand...

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