Chapter Twenty Six

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Chapter Twenty Six

Liz's P.O.V

We had all smelt it at the same time. The very heavy, pungent smell of melting paint and scorched wood. And the well-defined orange hue that sat above the tree tops gave it all, if it weren't for the smoke that tickled our sensitive noses.

It nearly killed me to take a glance at Jackson, whose eyebrows were pinched together and eyes masked with overwhelming sadness and pain. Yet there was still hope lining the watery edges of those blue orbs, no matter how small it appeared.

The night seemed to grow silent, and the only thing that I could hear were the soft thuds of our feet moving across the forest floor. We whipped our way around trees and glided over stumps with elegant motions. Our transformed bodies seemed to get faster and soon I couldn't hear the soft thuds of our movements, and I could barley feel the souls of my feet hit the rough terrain. If it were not for the situation, I think I would have enjoyed how fast my transformed body was going. It almost seemed that with every passing second, my speed was just growing and growing until everything around me seemed like figments of my imagination.

As we grew closer to Will's house, close enough that a vampires eye could see but too far for that of a humans, my sharp eyes could see the flickering flames and my keen ears could hear the distinct pops and cracks of fire on wood. And so I began to slow down. Not because I wanted to, but because I had to. My vision switched from the comforting forest to a familiar town like a strobe light. Will had stopped and had called my name, but it was too late. I only saw flashes of his confused face until my eyes had settled on the dark town. The moon was resting just upon the clouds, and an icy chill washed over my body like a bucket of ice water.

Confusion was clear on my features but the initial shock wasn't as strong as the first time I was here.

I took a hesitant step forward, testing the waters. What was I supposed to do now? William and Jackson were nowhere to been seen. Heck, there was not a single person to be seen. The town that was once alive and filled with a great amount of people was now deserted and silent like a river beckoning us into its rapid current.

I walked across the empty street, my eyes cautious to my surroundings. The BALGRAY CAFE would have sat in complete darkness, if it weren't for the small ray of light bleeding through the door from the kitchen. Was someone in there? I wondered. But it's so late at night. . .

Suddenly, I heard a deep voice yell from somewhere down the street.

“Stop!” a familiar voice shouted. “You're killing him!”

I looked away from the café window, my eyes scanning up and down the street with urgent movements. I headed to where the shouts were located, walking with quick strides. I could hear the sound of his heavy breathing as I came close to a dark alley. As I peaked around the corner I could see the outline of three bodies. One laying on the ground, motionless, while someone hovered over him. A scream tore through the night, and a satisfied laugh echoed in the silence.

“What did you do to him!” someone sobbed, yet I could barley hear his voice over the torturous sounds of pain and agony erupting from the boy on the ground. Realizing they couldn't see me, I took a bold step into the alley, enough so that I could make out everything that was happening.

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