Why should I

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I walk down the stairs and see Eleanor dressed in a tight mini dress. It's been a week since I've gone back to school and Eleanor has though. She has told me that the boy has been at my locker every morning and after noon, looking for me. Being home alone for most of the day isn't that comforting either, I'm occasionally looking out the window. Lucky for me, I don't think he knows where we live.

"Why are you all dressed up?" I finally ask as she puts on her shoes.

"It's more like, why aren't you?" She giggled, "Come on go get dressed up in the outfit I set out for you, in my room."

"Why? We aren't going to another party right?" I say and she stands up, in her highest heels she's still an inch shorter than me.

"Not a party, but a club opening!" She exclaimed. I struggle to hide my laugh, both of us are legal but Eleanor has never had an interest in clubs.

"Sorry? I don't think that is the best idea after last time, tell me why you even want to go."

"We were invited to a club opening down town, you know that girl Alana. It's her dad's club and a bunch of us are going, so are you!" She commanded.

I was dragged upstairs by the collar of my t-shirt and into Eleanor's room. She had picked out a black long sleeved shirt and deep red-maroon coloured jeans. After changing El decided to just put some hair products in my hair and combed it back, giving me an older look. I tried to deseval my hair but my hand was slapped away by Eleanor. Deciding to just go with it I followed Eleanor out the door and into her car. The drive was long and painful, the traffic was terrible and we ended up in a stand still. Once we parked and walked up the club's stairs, I looked up at the sign.

"Daylight at Dusk?" I laughed and turned to El. "What a stupid name for a club."

"Well when you open your own club you can name it something better." She glared and told the guard our names and he let us in.

The inside was definitely not daylight, it was a dimmer like place. Looking at the floor it was some type of thick plastic or glass that had lights underneath. But it wasn't to bright so it didn't blind you, and when I looked up I say myself, it was mirrored. So predictable, I followed Eleanor around, we talked to a few of our friends from school. I drifted in and out of the conversation, mainly just looked around and studied the club.

It had an upper level that was in the shape of a U, that was the VIP lounge. The bar across from the seating area we where in was sleek black counters. Behind it, where the bartenders worked was again paneled in mirrors. In the corner far away was the DJ booth, strobe lights flashed out the top of it. I turned back to the conversation when someone said my name.

"Sorry?" I asked.

"I said how is it Louis?" Alana repeated for me, "You seem not interested."

"No it's lovely, where is that boyfriend of yours?" I turned the conversation away from me and back onto her.

"Oh, he was a dick so I dumped him. All he ever did was sit on my couch drunk off his arse!" She laughed at her ex. "Lets go dance, yeah?"

We-They all agreed and I just tagged along, not wanting to be alone. Following behind them I continue my little observation, this tome of people. Yes I have sensed werewolves and vampires all night so far but that doesn't mean anything, we can reside in harmony... When it's imperative, both of our races know not to pull any stunt in public. But I've only sensed a few, we tend to avoid one another.

I look to my right and see a girl staring at me, she has bright hazel eyes. A smirk forms on her face, my eyes shift to her neck, a crest. She was part of the Rule, all the members of the Rule have this unmistakable crest tattooed somewhere on themselves. Great this is just what I needed, a Rule to be watching me. Just as I was about to turn away she did something I never would have thought.

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