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Okay! So if you were confused about whether or not Louis died, he did not. Both Louis and Harry lived, Eleanor saved Harry by giving him a little bit of blood. Vampires in this story can live on animals like Harry, but they have to drink a small amount of human blood every few months. And their parents and the doctor, and the the doctor's wife all were killed. Christina, and everyone else may still be alive, hence the name of this chapter!!!

Sorry for the long Author's note, enjoy! Xx


"So what happened with mum and dad?" I asked as we sit down at a small cafe not to far from the building I almost jumped off of.

"They were killed in front of my eyes... We were told to behave or else that's what would happen to us. So they gave us a script and had us sit in a cafe much like this, we were filmed. All of it was a set up, they let Perrie and Christina go but they took me, but that was weeks and weeks ago I'm guessing." She says and looks out the window.

"Weeks? We were only held there for at most 48 hours." Harry says and I nod in agreement.

"That's what they want you to think. The set up was done a week after you two were taken, they gave you shots on the ride there so you would pass out. When they took me in I was given a shot as well, but mine kicked in faster because I'm Human or something. So I woke up while they were hooking me up to this machine, I looked over and both of you were hooked up to one too. All of us were laying on these hospital beds, hooked up to sleep machines." She says. "Plus I looked over at the calendar when we came in and it's now the last week in February, we were taken in the middle of December."

I look over at the calendar, it's the 21st of February, we missed Christmas, my birthday, Harry's birthday, and Valentine's day... Then it hits me, what has Christina been doing, or everybody else. I might have missed my art assignment! Feeling around my pockets I can't find my phone, did they take it?!

"What's going on with every one?" Harry asks practically reading my mined. I look at him and smile. The fact that he's now human amazes me, it just took him one last time of drinking blood to fully become one.

"They are... I don't know, for all I know they could all be dead?" She says and looks like she's about to cry.

"No they can't be. We should probably go check on them!" I say and stand up with Eleanor, Harry shuffles out of the booth after I do.

We walk out of the cafe, forgetting about food and drinks. I walk with my now, human!!!-- Boyfriend, and Eleanor to the corner of the street. We get a cab and ride to our home, no one says anything as we wait. Once there Eleanor and I jump out, leaving Harry to pay. She bursts through the door and I follow her inside. My heart racing, the house is silent, we hear nothing. El gasps and started to sob as she rushes to the kitchen. I follow her, Harry appears right beside me, I jump and clutch my chest.

"You cant do that to me!" I whispershout at him, he chuckles and kisses my temple.

"Sorry my love, any luck?"

"No, besides i thought you lost all your powers when you became a human?" I ask and take his hand as we seach the first floor with Eleanor.

"Nope, i keep the powers, just lose the cold skin, not aging, and having to live on blood." He smiles at me as Eleanor finally turns to us, the house looks untouched since we were taken.

"CHRISTINA!!!!" Eleanor shouts out and I look at Harry.

Hopefully she answers, we wait but nothing happens. Soon we are all shouting out to her, pleading inside she shouts back. This is all my fault... I cant help but blame myself for this, Christina doesn't answer after we have searched every place possible. And soon enough it seems like all hope is lost and we end up sitting down agianst a wall.

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