Chapter 3

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Perrie's POV

I woke up around 8:00 AM. Damn this jet lag is really getting old. I got up and walked downstairs my dad, Isabelle, and Jen were all in the kitchen.

"Morning Per!" Jen exclaimed

"Hey Jen." I said smiling

"Morning kiddo. I made your favorite." My dad said putting blueberry pancakes in front of me

"Thanks." I mumbled

"Shit they arn't your favorite are they?" he said face palming himself

"Sorry Dad but blueberry pancakes are mom's favorite. I love peanut butter toast and-" he cut me off

"Starwberry smoothie. Sorry I forgot. It has been a while." he said shaking his head

"It's ok. Any plans for the day?" 

"Well Isabelle and I have work all day. But tonight we are taking you out to dinner so be ready by seven." my dad said kissing the top of my head before walking out the door

"Bye Perrie, have a good day!" Isabelle said before walking out the door

"I don't get why he is getting remarried. He is already married to his work." I said rolling my eyes and cleaning my plate

"Ew this coffee tastes like shit too." I said gagging

"Well there is a starbucks downtown we can go too." Jen suggested

"Thanks. Let me just go get changed." I said running upstairs. I threw on a pair of black soffee shorts, black muscle top, and a grey zip up hoodie. I threw my hair up into a messy ponytail and I put my running shoes on. I quickly applied some blush and mascara and walked downstairs.

"Ready to go!" I called out. Jen just laughed and we walked out to her convertable. 

"Sorry about the smell. My dog got a bath yesterday and she was in the car." Jen said laughing causing me to crack up

"It's cool." I said turning the radio up and singing along to Katy Perry's Unconditionally

"Missing the girls yet?"

"Terribly. After every tour I always can't stop singing. But it feels weird not singing with them." I said as Jen parked the car

"Well I know they miss you too. I talked to them last night." 

"I know we texted this morning. What do you want Jen I'll pay." 

"Perrie I am capable of paying for my own drink."

"I know but you do so much for me let me do this one thing for you please." 

"Ok fine. Just my regular please." she said smiling

After we ordered our drinks I took a picture of us with our drinks and said starbucks with my awesome manager xx I posted it to instagram and twitter.

"You and your selfies." Jen said smiling 

"So I herd that Zayn got brought up last night, how are you doing with all of that?" she asked me concerned

"Honestly I am ovr him. But the one thing I can't get over is how bad of a break up it was." 

"Perrie that is understandable. You went from dating somebody for two years, being engaged to them and then breaking up abruptly. It's normal to be feeling this way."

"It wasn't supposed to end like that though. We were so in love I just don't get how two people could fall out of love. I still have the ring you know." I said shaking my head

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