Chapter 8

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Perrie's POV

I woke up sweating and I never really sweat. I looked at the temperature and it said it was 80 degrees in the house. What the hell? I thought as I walked downstairs. Both my dad and Isabelle were sitting at the table fanning themselves.

"Why is it so hot in here?" I asked pouring myself some juice

"The air conditioner broke. The guys said he will be here in an hour." my dad said 

"Perrie just stay out by the pool today please." Isabelle said

"Where are you two going?" I asked confused

"I have work and so does Isabelle. We will be back around dinner time. I got to run love you!" he said kissing the top of my head

"Love you too." I replied 

After Isabelle left I ran upstairs and threw on a pair of high waisted blue, pink, and yellow pastel colored shorts, a white cropped top, and my white vans. I decided on leaving my hair in its natural form and just doing a french braid to the side. I applied some foundation, blush, white eyeshadow, bottom eyeliner, and mascara. Lastly I grabbed my phone and put on al the bracelets fans gave me.

I ran down the street to Justin's house. I spotted Justin first. He was wearing black sneakers, khacki shorts, a black t shirt, a chain around his neck, and a black hat on top of his head. 

"Hey babe." he said lightly pecking me on the lips

"Hey my airconditioner is broken so can I just hangout inside your house today?" I asked him. But they all started laughing.

"Everybody on the whole street's is broken. The guy should be here soon but he said it might take all day." Ryan said passing us on a longboard

"What are we supposed to do all day then?" I asked sitting down next to Alfredo in the grass

"Well we will just hangout outside. Like we used to do when we were kids!" Justin said sitting down next to me

"You know I havn't exercised like that in about eight years." I said sighing and laying down on the grass. Everybody started laughing and Justin hovered over me.

"You have always been so lazy. Cmon get up." he said helping me up 

"Perrie do you know how to long board?" Chaz asked me

"Yeah but I havn't done it in a while." I said hopping on a board and riding down the driveway

"For somebody who says they don't ride everyday you look like you do." Ryan said coming up behind me

"It is not that hard to remember how to ride one genius." I said rolling my eyes at him

"I see we are extra fiesty today." Fredo said laughing

I stopped the board so Justin can get on and we both started riding together. I don't know what has been going on with us lately. One minute we hate eachother and then the next we are all touchy feely with eachother I just don't get it. 

"Do you think we can do tricks on here with two people?" I asked him smirking

"Lets try it!" he exclaimed. We ran back up to the front of the driveway and both hopped on and skated down when we got towards the end we tried to do a flip but we both ended up falling off. We were laughing our butts off and Justin leaned over and kissed me. We broke apart and we were just smiling at eachother.

"Aw how cute." Fredo said holding out his phone

"Alfredo did you just record that?" Justin asked him

"Yupp and it is going on instagram." he said laughing while running up the driveway

"Oh shit Perrie you are bleeding." Justin said standing up and helping me up too

"It's ok it is just a tiny scratch." I said shrugging

"No it needs to be cleaned off." he said picking me up throwing me over his shoulder and running into the garage

"You know I could have walked." I said as he put me down in a chair

"I know but it is more fun this way. Ok this might sting a little." he said putting a pad on my cut

"Ow! You said a little! That hurts like a bitch!" I said 

"Well I see somebody still has a trucker mouth." he said smirking

"I'm british it's in my blood." I said glaring at him. He cleaned off my cut and then put a bandage on it.

"Thank you Dr. Bieber." I teased getting up

"Hey that is one of songs." he said smirking

"Oh shut up. Woah you have cruisers?" I asked running over to his bikes

"Yeah wanna ride them?" he asked

"Duh! I havn't ridden one since back in Canada actually." I said hopping on one

We rode them all in the driveway Justin chasing after me, me chasing Justin. 

"Hey guys look a sprinkler!" Chaz exclaimed running through it. I took pictures of them because they looked ridiculous.

"Wanna go through it while on the bikes?" Justin asked me 

"Yeah sure." I said smiling

Before we went through Justin took my hand and smiled. "I'm glad you are here Perrie." 

"I'm glad I am here too." I said kissing his cheek before riding through the sprinkler hand in hand.

That night on twitter I saw the fans made a gif of Justin and I holding hands when we were on the bikes. There was a link to a newspage that had a ton of pictures of us today kissing, running through the sprinkler, holding hands, and eating ice cream. We do make a really good couple I thought. 

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