Chapter 5

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Perrie's POV

When I woke up this morning nobody was home so I figured they were both at work. I made myself an omlet and some toast and I turned on the tv. 

"Perrie Edwards and Justin Bieber were caught kissing at the beach yesterday. There are other pictures of them in the water and holding hands. They are just so adorable! Tell us what you think about the new couple Jerrie." I turned the tv off. Jerrie seriously? The doorbell rang and I went to answer it. 

It was Justin and he was wearing white sneakers, grey skinny jeans, a yellow sweatshirt, and a light blue beanie.

"Hey you look cute in the morning even with bed head." he said smirking

"What do you want?" I asked following him into the living room

"I don't know I"m bored." he said shrugging and sitting down

"Don't you have friends to hang out with?"

"They are all still sleeping. Plus they are all helping Fredo shoot some video today."

"So you came over here to hangout with me? Is it opposite day or something?"

"We are supposed to be fake dating so why not take you out? Wanna go shopping?"

"Fine let me go get changed." I said running up the stairs.

I quickly straightened my hair and then applied some foundation, blush, bottom eyeliner, and mascara. I put on a black belly top with a jean jumper over it. I put on my black vans and a red floppy hat and I was ready to go.

"Alright I'm ready." I called walking down the steps

"Did you hear what our new couple name is?" Justin asked turning off the tv

"Yes and I hate it. You have more than one car?" I asked confused

"Yupp this is my other baby. My white ferarri." he said opening the door for me

"You call your cars your babies? Weirdo." I said under my breath

"I herd you." he said pulling out of the driveway

"The shops around here suck so why don't we go to Santa Monica Pier?" he suggested

"Sounds good to me." I said turning up the radio. It was Demi Lovato Neon Lights I started singing along. But Justin turned down the radio after a couple minutes.

"How come you never told anybody back in Stratford that you could sing?" he asked looking over at me

"I don't know. I always knew I could sing I never thought I was any good." I said shrugging

"If you didn't think you were any good then why did you try out for X Factor?" 

"My mom made me. She said if I didn't do it I would regret it. And she would have been right." 

"I like your album Believe a lot." I said smiling gently at him

"Thanks. Do you have a favorite song?" 

"I really love Fall. I think it is adorable." I said looking over at him. I saw him stiffen and he gripped the steering wheel harder.

"Are you ok?" I asked 

"Yeah I"m fine. I like your guys two albums a lot. Especially your songs wings and About the boy. Your high note in About the Boy is insane." he said smiling. Gosh he looks cute when he smiles. Stop it Perrie.

"Thanks. What video is Alfredo shooting?" 

"Something for his youtube channel. I'm not really sure." he said when his phone started ringing. The name Chantel Jeffries came up. He hit ignore.

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