Chapter 9

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Perrie's POV

Today Justin and I are taking Jazzy and Jaxon to the zoo. I woke up earlier around 8:00. Both my Dad and Isabelle were at work already. Isabelle has been really stressed because the wedding is just in a few short weeks. I quickly ate breakfast and ran upstairs to get changed. I parted my hair and straightened it. I applied some foundation, blush, white shimmery eyeshadow, mascara, and lip gloss. I put on my long, white, vinatge, lace maxi dress with black combat boots, gold elephant earrings, and a big black floppy hat. I grabbed my cream indian purse and my black raybands and I walked over to Justin's house. I decided on wearing the hat so nobody would really recognize us.

I rang the doorbell and Justin opened with a smile on his face. He was wearing dark grey skinny jeans, a light green shirt, a maroon snapback, and white sneakers.

"Hey Per." he said pulling me in for a hug

"Hey how are you?" I asked stepping inside

"I'm good. Ready to go?" he asked smiling

"Perrie!" Two voices yelled in unison. I turned around to see Jazzy and Jaxon running over towards me. They tackled me into this big bear hug.

"Hey lovies! I've missed you guys soo much!" I say as they both give me a kiss

"I know we missed you too." Jazzy said holding my hand

"Are you guys ready to go?" Justin asked grabbing Jaxon's hand. We followed him out to the car and I buckled Jazzy in while he buckled Jaxon in. The zoo we are going to is the San Diego Zoo. It took about an hour and ten minutes to get there.

"Alright where to first?" I asked as I carried Jaxon out of the car.

"The Lions!" Jazzy yelled running ahead of us. Justin chuckled and chased after her. We went to the lions, the bears, the reptile house, the monkeys. the polar bears and penguins, the birds, the giraffe's, and lastly the zebras.

We went to some restaurant on the way home. Some fans came up to us during the day but we didn't mind. After we got home we put the kids to bed but then Justin and I walked back outside.

"I had fun today thanks." I told Justin as he intertwined our fingers together

"I had fun too. You know Jazzy and Jaxon really love you." he said smiling

"Yeah they are the sweetest kids ever." I said as we sat in the gazebo looking at the stars

"Can I ask you something?" he asked looking at me. I nodded my head.

"Do you like me? And I mean for real like me?"

"Surprisngly yes. You can be a pain in the ass a lot of the time but I still love you." I said blushing and looking down

"Wow you are really cute when you blush." he said kissing my cheek. I playfully hit him and tried to cover my face but he tooks his hands in mine.

"But I really love you too. You get on my nerves half the time too but I can't stay mad at you." he said kissing my nose

"Well I have a question for you. I know you really loved Selena so my question is will you be able to give your heart to me?" 

"Yes I will because I will always love her but I have moved on. I really want to try this with you."

"I want to try this with you too. And in case you were wondering I will always love Zayn too and he will always be in my heart but it is time to move on." I said 

"Good because I really want to do this." he said leaning in and kissing me. I happily kissed back. We broke away and I was smiling like an idiot. Justin took a instagram video of me and posted it with the caption I love her smile.

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