The World Cup💛

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Third Person POV
The sky lightened very slowly as they made their way through the village, its inky blackness submerged to the deepest blue. Emily Carter's hands and feet were freezing, and Mr Weasley only glanced over at his watch every now and again. They stumbled occasionally in hidden fox holes. Each breathe brought a sharp pain to her chest. Ariel ame over, out of breath; clutching a stitch in her side, panting heavily.
"Now, we just need to search to find this PortKey," stuttered Mr Weasley, taking off his glasses and wiping off the condensation from them on his sweater. He sighed then replaced his glasses and his eyes narrowed, squinting at the ground. They had only been searching for a few moments until a shout shattered the awkward silence.
"It is over here Arthur, come over here my son. We've found it!" And with that, two tall figures appeared against the starry sky on the other side of the hilltop. Mr Weasley looked startled at first, but then his gaze plastered a wide smirk on his face.
"Amos!" Replied Mr Weasley, smiling as he strode over to the man who had shouted. Emily and the others received confused glances from each other before shrugging and followed anyway. Mr Weasley giving him a famous Weasley hug and a hard pat on the shoulder to a ruddy-faced wizard, with a scrubby brown beard. As Emily studied him, recognising him from somewhere, she noticed that he had a tight grip on a mouldy-looking boot of some sort.
"This is Amos everyone, Amos Diggory," introduced Mr Weasley a massive grin plastered on his face. "Works for the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, most of you know his son, Cedric?" Just then Emily noticed the figure of a boy coming towards them, as her eyes adjusted to the darkness surrounding them. She looked at his for a little longer than she had intended to; she was peering into his dark brown orbs, which captured her needful interests all of a sudden, as a faint and nearly unnoticeable glimmer flared in the corner, where an out of place shade of olive-green plagued them ever so slightly that nobody would surely recognise at a first glance, or second, or tenth for that matter. He brought his fingertips to his hair and ran them through his light-blonde hair, and brushed his fingers through. Emily, once realising people were sending her suspicious frown and one eyebrow raised she blinked herself out of the seemingly drunken trance as a deep blush overtook her pretty features. The boy had seen her reaction and gave a smirk and chuckled to himself quietly. She had only just realised how suddenly intriguing the ground seemed to be once you felt the urge to dig a deep hole underground and hide there for your whole life.
Cedric was an extremely handsome boy of around seventeen, he was in the same year as Emily; she was going 6 year and was transferred to Hogwarts from Buxbarrons, she had already been introduced to the others and the Weasley's through her parents. Cedric was the captain and Seeker of the house Hufflepuff house on the Quiddich team at Hogwarts. This was Emily's first time going to Hogwarts.
"Er - hi'" Cedric murmured awfully quietly to everyone, however setting his gaze on Emily. She blushed a deeper shade of red, almost the colour of the Weasley's hair. She hid her face with the sleeves of her jumper avoiding direct-eye contact but was drawn to his looks, she shrugged them off but still peered at him from time to time. Everyone greeted his welcoming with a warm smile, apart from Fred and George, who hadn't quite forgiven him for apparently beating Gryffindor in their third year. Amos Diggory peered good-naturally around at the children in front of him.
"Are all these yours, Arthur?"
Amos received a confused frown from Mr Weasley before made a face of 'oh right'.
"Oh, no, only the red heads," he replied, pointing out his children: Ron, Fred and George, Ginny and Mia. "And this is Hermione, Oliver, Ariel, Tara, Katie, Emily-" Cedric darted his eyes over to Emily (nickname is Milly); he had caught her staring at him at the corner of his eye. However, once he had seen her glancing at him, she turned around, pretending to be fascinated by the trees looming over them. She darted her glance at the floor, blushing furiously. He smiled to himself before continuing to listen to Arthur and his Fathers conversation. "And Harry and Stella," he never got the finish because Amos's eye widened and looked like they would pop out at any moment. "Merlin's beard!" Amos gasped.
"Harry and Stella, Harry and Stella Potter!"
Stella gulped, swallowing the large lump in her throat, "Er - yeah," Harry replied awkwardly. They were both used to people looking at them with curiosity when ever they met them, used to the way people's eyes would always dart to the lightning bolt scar on Harry's forehead and the lightning bolt on the back of Stella's palm, this always made them feel uncomfortable.
"Ced's talked about you guys obviously," Amos started. "Told us all about playing you two last year, the amazing Gryffindor Seeker and Chaser, I said to him... said Ced, that'll be something to tell your children, that you... you beat Stella and Harry Potter!"
They both didn't know how to respond to that; so they just stayed in an awkward silence. Amos's comment make the two red head twins scowl again, and Ariel to roll her eyes in frustration and give his a discussed glare. Ariel had seemed to take quite a liking to him, and in third year, when the dementors came, Ron had said that she had huddled up to his chest and he put an arm around her waist, protecting her, after Harry had fainted, she stayed with his the whole time, worried sick. Well it might have just been a reaction, Tara and Fred did them same, and George and Katie, The same thing had happened to Stella and she grabbed hold of Ron's neck and pulled him close, he was surprised and blushed but held her close until she screamed and fainted, Ron hugged her the whole time till she woke up, he had tears in his eyes.
Cedric looked slightly embarrassed, "Dad, Harry fell off his broom, and Stella fainted," he muttered. "I told you... they were going to win, if it weren't for the dementors. We should have had a rematch; it was an accident..." He looked guilty and mouthed the words 'I am sorry' Harry gave his a reassuring look and Cedric gave a forced half smile.
"Yes, but you didn't fall off, did you?" roared Amos, slapping his son of the back, making Cedric whimper slightly, "Always modest, our Ced, always the gentleman... but the best man won, I am sure Harry and Stella would say the same eh? One falls off his broom, one stays on,you don't need to be a genius like Emily Carter and Ariel here to tell who is the better flier!" This caused everyone to turn around to Emily and Ariel, Emily gulped and has a look of sadness on her face. People saw this and the fury washed away and they smiled guiltily. Cedric saw Emily's expression and glared at his father, and sigh heavily and giving Emily a concerned face. Emily had been in the muggle and the Daily Profit and in the muggle world, had become the youngest person to graduate being twelve years old and being the 'smartest witch of her kind' she didn't like all the attention and tried to ignore it and told her parents to let her continue a normal life.
Arthur, wanting to change the subject, butted in, "You just need to touch the PortKey, that all, a finger will do just perfectly!" Following Mr Weasley's words, they all crowded around the old, worn out boot held by Mr Diggory. They all stood there, nobody dared to speak, as if one word was going to cause chaos. A spine-chilling gust of wind swept over them, causing Emily to tremble, she wasn't sure if it was the weather or just the fact she was scared over of her wits. Cedric noticed this and stood by her side.
"Three..." whispered Arthur, loud enough that everyone could hear, one eye still glancing over at his watch. Emily still hadn't grabbed on causing Cedric to raise an eyebrow but showed to be worried about her. "Two, one..." Cedric realised Emily wasn't going to grab on in time so he yelled "Emily!" And quickly grabbed her hand. It had happened almost immediately; it felt as though a hook just behind her back had jerked forward suddenly. Emily's feet left the ground making her panic, she closed her eyes and grabbed on to someone's waist, she didn't know who it was but it was the same person who had grabbed hold of her hand before. She could feel two people beside her, one leaning towards her more than the other and they let go of her hand and placed it on the PortKey and the other hand grabbing hold of her. They were speeding forward, into a howl of wind and swirling colour of slime green. Suddenly everything stopped for a second, it seemed like the whole universe had paused itself. She was then lurched forward to the ground, still grabbing hold of the person waist. She heard a loud thud, but her landing was gentle. She opened her eyes and breathed a sigh of relief. She then felt a warm trickle of heat across her jack, she looked down to see what had caused it, beneath lay Cedric, he had cushioned her fall; at once she leapt up, and released her arms from around his waist.
"Oh my goodnezz, I am zo sorry!" She gasped, she held her arm out to help him up. "No don't worry, thanks" He replied, flashing his cute smile. They saw everyone else looking at them, all blinking at them. They both blushed, everyone was looking at their hands, Emily hadn't realised that her hands were intertwined with his. They quickly leapt apart, both blushing. They others just shrugged apart from Oliver, Emily's brother, he looked furious, his jaw clenching tightly and his hands balled into fists. He relaxed when Hermione squeezed his should reassuringly, making his ears stain pink. Cedric and Emily smirked at each other. They studied their surroundings, they had arrived on what appeared to be a deserted stretch of misty moor. In front of them was a pair of exhausted and grumpy-looking wizard, on of whom was clutching a gold watch. Both were dressed as muggles.
"Morning, Basil," greeted Mr Weasley, picking up the old boot and handing it to one of the wizards. "It is about a quarter of a mile's walk over there, it is the first field you approach, and Amos, you and Cedric on the second.'
Emily and Cedric smiled at each other, Emily felt a blush creep over her cheeks and looked away, Cedric chuckled to himself before walking away.

I hope this story is okay, I am only twelve and this is my first story, if I have made any mistakes, please tell me. I really only write stories because of what is happening at home. I am going through a tough time at the moment, writing is one of the only things that help me relieve stress. I am not a very good writer and don't expect many views, I just ignore hate and don't let it get me down, I am really only writing for fun. I don't own Harry Potter and only own a few characters, all credit goes to Jk.Rowling, I only change a few scenes and write the story in my own words. I am writing this based on both the stories and books. Thank you for reading. [ I will try to write each day and I have a set target that I want to reach and write 1000 words a day ]
Word Count; 2002

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2017 ⏰

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