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(Unedited) (I don't know what Autocorrect does to my chapters)

Winter's POV

I had successfully managed to ignore everyone for the past two weeks. Maybe because I haven't shown up to school. I had finally gone back to work, one of the only places I could say I held a smile at. The whole walk to the cafe in which I work at, I felt eyes on me. When I opened the door of the cafe, attention shifted instantly, and cheers erupted.

"Winter!" Called out my manager, Landon. "Finally!" he says, and runs around the counter to give me a hug.  return it, a smile forming on my face. This was the one place I could ever control my smiles. I had no clue why. I think it's all the positive energy.

"Can we get our girl to make our favorite cocoa latte?" A voice from my side says. I look over with a smile. This cafe is my favorite for a reason. Old people come here. No students, or new adults, they go to the Starbucks down the street. This was a homey place.

"Of course, Matilda. I wouldn't have it any other way."I say with a warm smile, and Landon, now back behind the counter, chucks my apron at me. I chuckle, and pull it on, and pull my hair up in a messy bun. I'm not surprised everyone is here- all the people that come here.

It's about fifteen people, the usual customers at that. There's only about twenty, twenty five people that ever come here, so I know all orders by heart, and instantly get to work.

I maneuver around the three machines quickly, all at once making four drinks at the same time, pouring in the right creamers, the amount of sugars. I place the ones I make on the counter and get to work on more. After about ten minutes, I have all of the orders done, and start handing them out.

"Oh dear, I missed you!" Bethany, the old librarian tells me, patting my hand. I give her a smile and let a single laugh float from my lips.

"I missed you too, Beth. You too, Saundra." I say to Bethany's best friend, resting a hand on her shoulder, giving her my warmest smile. I love that here, I can smile freely. It's the one place I'm happy. She rests a hand on my hand and smiles at me.

"Why, I missed you as well!" she says happily. "Oh, you must come to the library soon! We love having you." She says. My smile widens.

"How is Phil and Randy?" I ask, my heart feeling light for once. There's always that one place for people like me. The one place they can be happy. An old people's Cafe is mine. I wouldn't have it any other way. I've become very emotionally attached to everyone here.

"Oh amazing! They're so kind! And quite scandalous, if I say so myself. Last week, he even flirted with me in public!" Bethany gushes, placing a hand over her mouth like she still can't believe it. I let out care-free laughter, my smile as large as can be, hurting my cheeks from the strain.

"That is something to talk about. How about this, after school tomorrow, I will stop by before work, and we can all head here together."I offer up. They smile, and nod. I pay their shoulders before heading off to my next order, my smile still in place.

I work, chatting with everyone, getting the latest scoops on their lives. I even encourage a 70 year old man to talk to a lady around the same age as him. She blushed profusely at his compliments, which only made my smile larger as I set their drinks in front of them, him calling her beautiful.

"Winnnteeerrr! Where is my favorite girl at?" Landon calls out at sometime. I excuse myself from Matilda and her friends and make my way to him with a smile.

"Yes, sir?" I ask.

"Please, call me Landon. For the past two hours in your shift, there has been a group of people standing outside watching you. Were you aware?" He asks. My smile lessens some, and I turn. I let out a huff of annoyance at the sight of Damien, Summer, Jessica, and Naomi, all watching me with wonder and curiousity. I turn back to Landon.

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