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NOTE: This takes place during the few weeks that Winter stays with Damien after her father had been locked up. Comment if you want more.

"I can't watch this." Damien says as he randomly walks in, which confuses me, considering I'm sitting in the bay window of the room I'm borrowing, staring numbly out the window. Blood drips off of my elbow, making him rush over and inspect my freshly cut arm. I look from his face showing sadness to the window.

"Guess that makes two of us." I state as I watch the world I find absolutely repulsive. He walks away and comes back with a first aid kit, sitting down and taking my arm into his lap, cleaning it up for me. "How do you do that so well?" I ask quietly.

"I.. I- uh- used to cut.. Myself." He murmurs. That peaks my interest, and I raise an eyebrow at him. "Had depression. My Aunt died. She was my favorite person." He murmurs very quietly while wrapping gauze around my arm. I lean in and kiss him randomly. He kisses back, sending electricity buzzing through my skin.

"What are we?" He asks as I rest my forehead on his.

"I-I don't know.. I mean.. boyfriend and girlfriend doesn't seem right for us." I whisper as I move over and get onto his lap, my legs on either side of his waist. His hands settle on the curve of my waist.

"Yeah.." he whispers in reply before kissing me again. This kiss is a very long, drugging kiss. His hands go under my shirt, tracing my ribs and stomach very lightly. I shudder against him, making him smirk into the kiss.

My hands go to the bottom of his shirt, and I tug it up. He tears it off before kissing me with a little roughness.

"Mm. Wait, Win.. Stop." He whispers against my lips. I pull about an inch back.

"Why?" I ask numbly, high on his taste. High on him himself.

(A/N: I fucking love that last eight words there. "High on his taste. High on himself.")

My head dips to his neck where I kiss lightly, running my hand over his defined abdomen.

"It'll hurt you." He says quietly, an edge to his voice. I bring my face up to meet his.

"Good thing I like pain." I state, a smile growing over my lips, and he looks at the smile. I bite my bottom lip and he swallows, so I lean in and kiss him again.

And lemme tell you, the adrenaline rush in which comes after is better than any motorcycle or razor blade.


Heya haha.

Little factoid she clearly didn't wanna miss out on that experience before she passed.

Also, I've been humming show tunes all day long.

Comment if you want more of these little bonus chapters!!



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