Chapter 20

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Peyton's P. O. V.

I'm still pissed at my mom, for making me leave daddy. I got up before her this morning so I went downstairs and played on her iPad. I'm only downstairs for like 10 minutes before mommy comes down and makes breakfast. When she sets the plate down in front of me, I try to walk away, I certainly don't want to eat or talk to her right now. She grabs my wrist and tells me to stop, as she takes the iPad from me. I tell her to just leave me alone as I get up and grab the iPad from her hands.

"Peyton Marie Cameron McCartan, sit down!" She yells.

Oh shoot. She used my full name. She has never called me by my full name before, well except for adoption day. But when she said it this time, she was angry. I was too scared to go back over there so I ran up to my bedroom instead. Dumb mistake, I know.

A couple minutes later she runs up to my room and drops her phone on my bed, she tells me that my dad wants to talk to me and leaves. I felt bad because I could see her tear-stained cheeks and the disappointment in her eyes. I picked up the phone, nervously. I'm not sure if my dad will be mad or calm with me, but I've never seen him mad before so I'm kinda hoping for calm.

Ryan's P. O. V.

There is a long pause while I'm on the phone with Dove. I cannot seem to understand why Peyton is all of a sudden acting out.

"Hi daddy!" I hear through the other end of the phone.

"Hello Peyton." I said back, I'm not sure how to do this.

"I miss you daddy!'' She says in her "Im innocent!" voice

"I miss you too baby, but listen, we need to talk about your behavior."

"Ok daddy." She says changing her tone to the scared, disappointed one she had when we first met her.

"Peyton, why have you been acting out?"

"I don't know."

"Yes you do. Now tell me, what is making you upset? Maybe we can fix it!"

"Fine," she grumbles, "I'm mad at mommy because she took me away from you."

"Peyton, mommy didn't take you away. She just had to take you home so I can finish filming. It's not her fault."

"Why can't I stay in Canada with you daddy?"

"Because I'm working sweetie. And I need you to make sure mommy is ok! Can you do that for me?"

"But daddy..."

"Peyton, you're staying at home with mommy, and that's final. Now you need to go apologize to mommy."

"Ok dad. I love you, and I miss you." She said, you could tell she was about to cry.

"I love you too Princess. Now, hang up and go talk to mommy please."

"Ok, bye daddy."

"Bye Peyt."I said as I hung up the phone.

I got up and went to set. I hope Dove and Peyton settle this out, or else it will be a long 3 months.

Dove's P. O. V.

I can only hear mumbles from Peyton's room as she talks with Ryan. But minutes later the mumbles stop, and seconds later Peyton knocks on my bedroom door. I tell her to come in, and when she does, my heart breaks. Her cheeks are tear-stained and the neck of her shirt is drenched with tears.

"Mommy, can we talk?"

"Of course baby, come here." I say motioning her towards me.

"I'm sorry mommy!" She says bursting into tears, as I pick her up and place her in my lap.

"It's ok baby. Were you upset that we had to leave daddy?"

She nods and sobs harder into my neck. I rub her back to try and calm her down, but she just keeps crying. I'm guessing she's still pretty tired from last night.

"I'm sorry I made you angry mommy." She whispered.

"It's fine Peyton! It's fine! I'm sorry I yelled at you."

"I forgive you mommy." She said as she snuggled into my chest.

It's only 10:30 so I carry her downstairs. I heat up her bacon and eggs, but she still doesn't eat.

"Peyton, honey, you have to eat something." I say picking her up and setting her on my lap.

"I can't mommy."

"Peyton? Why can't you eat?"

"I was rude to you, so I don't deserve to eat mama."

My heart sank. This must have happened when she was with her birth parents. Gosh, I still don't understand how anyone could treat a little kid this way, much less such a sweetheart like P. My eyes began to water as she looked down at her feet.

"Peyton, you weren't rude honey. You were just upset! And I'm not going to punish you for being upset."

"It's ok mommy. I don't deserve to eat after acting like a brat."

I lifts her off my lap and set her down. Then, I crouched down to her level and looked her in the eye.

"Peyton, you are not a brat. And I don't want you to be mean to yourself honey. You are amazing, and that's why I love you ok? Now do you want bacon and eggs or cereal?"

"Ok mommy. I'm sorry. Can I please have Cheerio's?"

"Of course Princess." I said lifting her back into the chair, and kissing her forehead.

I got out the cereal and put some in her bowl. She barely ate half of the bowl, but I just let her go when she asked to be excused. I can't believe she is still having eating problems. I might want to take her to a doctor or therapist or something to help her.

I clean up breakfast and head to the living room. When I walk into the living room, I see Peyton and the floor playing on the iPad, shivering. It's mid-may so she shouldn't be that cold, but our AC is on so I turn it down and run upstairs to grab her blanket. But when I came downstairs she was fast asleep. I wrapped the blanket around her and carried her upstairs to her room, and placed her under the covers over her nice, warm bed.

Even sleeping, she was still shivering. I felt her forehead just to make sure, but when I did, her forehead was hot. I figured she's probably just getting a cold and so I lied down with her to make sure she was ok.

It's about noon now and even I'm tired now. Peyton has been sleeping for almost an hour now. But it doesn't take long for we to run into sleep's welcoming arms, falling asleep cuddling with Peyton.

Adopted By Dove Cameron And Ryan McCartanWhere stories live. Discover now