Tim Drake X Reader

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Just the basic one for this:

(Y/N) = Your Name


(Y/N) P.O.V

"29, 30 - Damn it!" I cursed as I fell to the ground again. "Why the hell can't I do this?!"

My parents were out of town and I was practising the plank for my gym final in a week. So far my only improvement over two full days of working out had been from holding it for 25 seconds to holding it for 30 seconds. In other words, I sucked at planking.

I steeled myself and got back into position, counting silently alone to the clock. I collapsed at 28. Tears stung in my eyes. It was a C+ if you could hold the plank for a minute, and I could barely manage half that! I was going to fail so bad. I wasn't supposed to fail at anything.

I had always been the nerd. The perfect student. The teacher's pet. Gym had started to be the bane of my existence. The C+ in a sea of A's. I began to cry at the thought of failing gym. At failing myself.

Tears were still falling down my face minutes later when the doorbell rang. I quickly wiped them away and tried to compose myself before going to answer it. I walked to the door and took a deep breath before opening it, revealing my best friend Tim Drake. Great. I was happy to see him, but he always got A's in everything, including gym. He wouldn't get it.

"Hey Tim," I greeted him, trying to sound cheerful. "What's up?"

He narrowed his eyes at me. "You've been crying (Y/N). What's wrong?"

"What do you mean?" I asked, feigning ignorance. "I'm fine."

He gently pushed past me into the house and I closed the door, turning to face him.

"(Y/N)," he started, genuine concern on his face. "I've known you long enough to know when you're lying. Plus, your eyes are all puffy and red. What happened?"

I looked down at my feet, not meeting his eyes. "It's nothing," I assured him. "It's stupid."

He put a hand on my shoulder. "(Y/N)," he began in a comforting tone. "I came here just to hang out, but clearly you need my help. Whatever it is that made you cry isn't stupid. If something made you sad, I want to know."

I sighed, deciding it was best just to tell him. "You know the gym final we have in a week?" I asked. He nodded. "The teacher said it's a C+ if you can hold the plank for a minute, and I can barely hold it for 30 seconds! I'm gonna fail gym."

He tilted my head up so I was looking at him. "You're not going to fail," he told me. "I'm going to help you train for the final. You'll be fine."

My eyes lit up. "Really?!" I tackle-hugged him. "Thank you! Thank you so much Tim! You're the best friend ever!"

He laughed a little at my enthusiasm. "No problem (Y/N)," he said. "What are friends for?"

I could have sworn his voice sounded a little odd when he said the word "friend", but maybe I was wrong.

We headed further into the house and he started to help me, teaching me tips and helping me practice for the final. He came to my house almost every day after school to help. I was certainly getting better, but was it enough?

The day of the final arrived, and I was nervous as hell. I tried to calm myself down, reminding myself that it would be fine. Tim had really helped me. I'd do fine. I was heading towards the gym when Tim pulled me aside in the hall.

"Heading to your gym class?" I nodded. "Well, good luck. I'll come over to your house after school so you can tell me how it went."

"Alright," I told him, shifting nervously.

"You look nervous," he observed. "Let's make a deal to give you some motivation. If you get higher than a C, I'll tell you a secret that I've never told anyone before. Deal?"

I nodded. "Deal," I said. "Now I have to go or I'll be late."

He waved at me and we both headed off to our classes.


After school

There was a knock on the door and I rushed to answer it.

"Tim!" I exclaimed as I threw open the door.

"Someone's excited," he teased, smiling at me as he entered. "I take it the final went well?"

"I got a B!" I yelled, slamming the door closed.

"(Y/N)! That's great!" he exclaimed.

"I know! Thank you so much Tim, I couldn't have done it without you. You're the best."

He blushed, and seemed to be about to say something when - overcome with joy and loving him for helping me - I kissed him. Shocked, it took him a moment to start kissing back, and soon we had to pull apart for air. Tim was blushing hugely.

"(Y/N) I - " he seemed unable to finish his sentence.

I smirked. "Now," I reminded him. "You owe me a secret."

He took a deep breath. "Okay. Here we go: I'm Robin."

He probably expected me to be shocked. What he got was the exact opposite.

"I knew it!" I yelled. Then, calming down, I thought of something. "Can I ask you something Robin?"

"Of course," he said. "But don't call me Robin when I'm not in costume."

"Alright Robin," I told him, ignoring the glare he shot at me. "Will you go out with me?"

"Really?" he asked, growing as red as his costume. "Sure. O - of course I'll go out with you."

"Great! Now come here Drake."

Then I leaned in to kiss him again, only able to think about how I was going to go on a date with a superhero.



Look! A wild update has appeared! It's very rare so be very quiet and make sure not to startle it.

The next time I update, it will be part 2 of the Nightwing X Reader! I swear I didn't forget about it! Anyways, if you also happen to read Ravenwing (hint: read it) then I'm sorry I didn't update last weekend. It's just because I updated durng the middle of the week last week so I didn't have the time to write a full chapter by last weekend. I will be updating it this weekend for sure!

Thanks for reading,


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