Nightwing X Reader Part 2

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A/N: There's no new codes this time. Just the basics.



     I had just gotten back from work on Friday evening when there was a knock on my door. I sighed and went to answer it.

     "Nightwing?!" I exclaimed, letting him in. "What are you doing here? How did you even find me?"

     He put a hand on the back of his neck as he entered. "There's a tracker in your suit, and I wanted to come see you."

     "Why would you want to come see me?" I wondered aloud. "Did something happen?"

     "What? No," he told me. "Nothing happened. I mean, except you getting kicked off the team. You're not mad about the tracker?"

     I collapsed on my couch. "Nope. I kind of expected it. So why are you here?"

     He sat next to me on the couch. "What? Am I not allowed to come see my friend? I can leave if you want...."

     "No!" I said, a little too quickly and loudly. "I mean, you don't have to. I'm just surprised that you'd want to see me is all."

     He smiled. "Because of the little incident back at Mount Justice? I told you before, that wasn't your fault. Besides, it's always nice to have someone to talk to who isn't a superhero."

     I smiled, and we began to talk more easily. We talked about any interesting things the team had done, and all of Wally's recent idiotic moments, which never failed to make me laugh. Then he came back the next Friday, and the next. Before long, we had been doing this for a year.

     Nightwing told me when Wally and Artemis got together and retired (Finally!), when Aqualad started his undercover mission, when Impulse joined the team, and when Mount Justice was destroyed. Then, one Friday, he nearly didn't show up.

     I paced for nearly an hour, wondering what was going on. Had he been hurt? Had someting happened? Had he just decided he didn't want to hang out anymore? Eventually however, a knock came at the door. I eagerly threw it open.

     "Nightwing?" I asked when I saw his expression. I gestured at him to come in. "What's wrong?"

     He walked over to my couch and sat, placing his head in his hands. I walked over to crouch in front of him.

      "Nightwing?" I tried again. "Please talk to me. What's wrong?"

     He looked up, and his expression nearly made me cry. "It-" he let out a sob. "It's Wally."

     "What?" I asked. "I thought Wally was retired! What happened?"

     "He's dead," I did start crying at that, and crushed Nightwing in a hug. "My best friend is dead (Y/N)."

     "Nightwing," I said, trying to stop myself from crying. "I'm so sorry. What happened?"

     I stopped hugging him as he told me the story, tears streaming down his face by the end.

     "Nightwing..." I whispered, unsure of what to say.

     "Dick," he told me, taking his mask off. "Dick Grayson. It's about time you knew."

     "Dick," I began again. "If Wally were still here, what would he do? Would he want us to be sad?"

     He shook his head. "He'd probably crack some stupid joke to try and cheer us up."

     I gave him a small smile. "Probably. Then speed off and eat all my food."

     He smiled slightly and wiped away his tears. "Yeah. That sounds like Wally."

     Then I did something stupid. I leaned over and kissed him.

     It took him a moment to react, but react he did. He began to kiss me back and pulled me closer so I was sitting sideways on hs lap. Too soon though, we had to pull away for air.

     "Wow (Y/N)," Dick said. "You really know how to cheer someone up."

     I laughed and felt my cheeks grow warm. He very gently pushed me off his lap and stood, grabbing my hand and leading me towards my door.

     "Dick?" I asked. "What's going on?"

     "You're coming back on the team," he stated. "Go grab your costume."

     "What?" I asked, pulling him to a stop. "I thought Batman said-"

     "To hell with what Batman said," he told me, turning to face me. "I'm the team leader and I say you're back on. If he has a problem with my new girlfriend being on the team, too bad."

     "Whoa there Dick. Who said anything about being your girlfriend?"

     He blushed and started to stammer. "I- I didn't mean-"

     I laughed. "I was kidding, geez Dick."

     "God," he said. "Because I'm not leaving your side anytime soon."

     Then he pulled me into another kiss.



     Hey guys, sorry for taking sooooo long to publish part 2. As some of you know, I've had this written for awhile but I've been both too lazy and too busy to type it. Sorry.

     In unrelated news, I saw the new Beauty and the Beast movie last night and can I just say: IT'S AMAZING! If you haven't seen it yet, you totally should. When the Beast sings "Evermore" it's just..... perfection. Anyways, the next one shot you have to look forward to is a Tim Drake one, so hopefully I'm not as lazy publishing that one.

     Thanks for reading,


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