Tim Drake X Reader

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A/N: Spoilers for the musical episode of The Flash in my fangirling paragraph

Before I get to the codes for this chapter, can I just fangirl for a minute? I'm only on season one of The Flash, but when I heard there was a musical episode, I needed to hear Barry singing. I found the video above and OH MY GODS HIS VOICE THOUGH!! BEST FREAKING PROPOSAL EVER!! I HAVE NO REGRETS ABOUT SPOILING THE EPISODE FOR MYSELF!! Okay. I just needed to get that out of my system. Onto the chapter:


(Y/N) = Your Name

(N/N) = Nickname



(Y/N) P.O.V

I had been in my room for about 120 hours, or 5 days, when Tim knocked on the door. Batman had assigned me the task of locating Scarecrow, and I was taking it super seriously. It was rare for Batman to let anyone else work a case for him, even if I was one of his protégés. Anyways, I was sitting at my computer just as I had been for about five days straight when a knock came at the door.

"I'm busy," I called.

Despite what I had said, the door still opened. "(Y/N)..." I recognized Tim's voice, laced with obvious concern.

I sighed, not looking away from my computer. "What is it Tim? I'm on a case."

"I know you're on a case," he told me. "That's why I'm here."

"Get to the point Tim," I stifled a yawn and took another swig of my energy drink.

It was his turn to sigh. "You haven't come out of this room in five days (Y/N). When was the last time that you even stood up from that chair?"

"It was only," I checked the clock in the corner of my screen. "Nine hours ago."

"(N/N)," his voice became softer. "You need sleep. I've seen Bruce do this, hell, I've done this. It never ends well."

I turned around to face him. "I appreciate your concern Tim, but I'm fine. Plus, I think I've almost figured it out."

"You said that five days ago when you first retreated in here," he had crossed his arms, a rare spark of stubbornness flashing in his eyes. "I'm not leaving until you agree to get some rest."

"Seriously Tim? I'm-" I was cut off as I stood, trying to prove my point that I was fine. Terrible idea. Spots appeared in my vision, and a wave of dizziness hit me so hard that I had to grab the desk for support.

I straightened quickly, the spots and dizziness fading. Of course, Tim had already noticed.

"(Y/N)?" he asked, sounding worried. "What happened? Are you okay?"

"It was nothing Tim," I said, faking a smile. "I'm fine."

His eyes narrowed in suspicion. "You are most certainly not fine. Stop being so stubborn."

I sighed. "What will it take to make you leave?"

"You'll have to come over here and make me leave."

I rolled my eyes. "Fine, Tim. I'll humour you."

It was not fine, and I knew it. However, I still needed to work this case, and Tim was a distraction that I couldn't afford to have. I started to walk over to him.

The moment I took a step, the black spots and dizziness came back. I continued, hoping they would fade. They didn't. I had crossed half of the distance between us when I realized what was happening.

"Oh crap." I muttered, passing out.

--------- Tim P.O.V --------------------

Only my training stopped (Y/N) from face-planting. I managed to rush over and grab her as she fell, lifting her bridal style in my arms.

"Dammit (N/N)," I muttered. "I told you that you weren't fine."

I walked over to her bed and gently lay her down on it, heading to the kitchen. She was eating something when she woke up, whether she wanted to or not.

I only wished that I had come to her room earlier. I had seen Bruce, Dick, and myself do exactly what she had done, and yet I hadn't done anything to help her before she had literally passed out from exhaustion. Some friend I was.

I sighed and continued on my way.

----------- (Y/N) P.O.V ----------------

It's not fainting that's the worst part. The worst part is waking up. You see, when you faint, you just suddenly become unaware of the world. When you wake up, there are always those few moments that I hate when your mind is fuzzy as you try and figure out what's a dream and what's real. Luckily, it's much easier to get past that stage when you have someone with you.

As I slowly came back to the world, I opened my eyes, only to find my vision was blurry. While my brain was still trying to process what was happening, I found something to hang onto. A voice.

"(N/N)?" I heard Tim's voice beside me. "Come on (N/N), wake up."

My vision cleared as I focused on Tim's voice and pulled myself the rest of the way back to reality. I slowly sat up and took in my surroundings, realizing that Tim must have carried me over to my bed. I looked over at him as my head finally finished clearing.

"How long was I out?" I asked.

"Not long," he replied. "Probably around.... three minutes?"

He reached over to my bedside table to hand me (F/S) and a glass of water. I smiled at him as I took them.

"Thanks Tim," I told him. "Feel free to say 'I told you so', because I should have listened to you."

A gentle smile came to his face. "I'm just glad that you're okay," he said. "But I did tell you so."

I laughed as I placed my empty glass and what remained of (F/S) on my bedside table. Then I swung my legs over the side of my bed and leaned over to wrap Tim in a hug.

"You had me scared for a little bit (Y/N)," he whispered. "Promise me not to do that again."

"I promise," I told him, releasing him from the hug. "Although I might need to be careful around you in case you make me faint again."

I winked at him before standing and leaving. I could practically feel him gaping at me, but I had known for awhile that he had a crush on me. I laughed slightly as I walked away, hoping that I hadn't scared him away. Despite the Wallyness of my statement, I really did want to hang out with Tim a lot more.


A/N: Please forgive me. That chapter was terrible, but at least I updated! I started a novel study in English class, so I've had a stupid amount of homework. I know that that's a terrible excuse, but oh well. You guys are probably used to terrible excuses from me by now. Anyways, I'm going to go to sleep now.

Thanks for reading,


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