Chapter 1: new employee

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Skye's POV

I woke up when I smelled strong Cologne I turned to my side, and saw Sean asleep. I laughed lightly when all of a sudden I heard footsteps then a knock." Skye sweetie are you awake". It was my dad! I started shaking Sean till he woke up "what?" "Sean you have to hide my dad's here". He shot up from the bed and went running to the closet. We still haven't really told my dad we were dating. I got up and opened the door." Hey dad what brings you here". "Oh good you're awake it's just that were having a new employee and I need you to train them"." Oh okay" once he left I opened the closet door when Sean got up. "It's so dark in there" "really I had no idea"." I should get going I got to get home before my folks wake up I also have to drop Rachel of at ballet class bye my little cloud" he gave me a kiss. When my dad walked in "right Skye I forgot to tell you tha- when was this a thing". Me and Sean stared at each other then I spoke up " dad we've been together for about 1yr well basically 2yrs". "Oh let me guess you thought I would be mad well I'm not but you" he said pointing at Sean. "You have to take care of her also your dad called he said he didn't see you all night so you best get going"." Yes sir I'll be back later I just have to change into uniform ". I laughed. Then my dad told me that the new employee was here. I got into uniform and got downstairs when my dad said meet your new employee. When I realized it was Josh and Danielle?! " Omg Josh your mom let you come" "yep so what's my first chore job thing". "Umm you could be in charge of the juice bar" "alright boss I can't believe I get to call you that"." Danielle so I guess your going to work here too It'll be nice to have you around again " me and Danielle actually became close friends because of school. "Danielle umm how about first you help- Ben clean room 15"." Umm do you think I can do something else with someone else not that I don't want to clean but yeah". "Why don't you want to help Ben?" "Because I like him and it'll be weird please make me do something else Skye"." Wait a minute you like Ben, oh okay so I'll let you sell at the candy station". "Thank you Skye"


I got to work when I saw Danielle behind the counter at the Candy station. Oh no not her! I guess Sean saw my face cause then he came up to me and said "yo Ben are you alright you look a bit starstruck"." I'm fine it's just that Danielle's working here now" "so wha- wait a minute you like Danielle"." Shhhh shut up Sean no one else no knows but you, you can't tell anyone "

Sean's POV 

"Don't worry Ben I won't tell anyone" I said crossing my fingers behind back. "We'll talk later I got to clean room 15" Ben said. I was walking when I saw Skye walking my way I pulled her to the staff room. "You'll never guess what Ben just told me" I said but also Skye talked at the same time "you'll never guess what Danielle told me"." You talk first wait no I'll talk first k go". "As I was saying Ben said he likes Danielle"." No way Danielle said she liked Ben too we have to get them together "." This is why you're my girlfriend cause you're so sneaky and gorgeous ". I kissed her when she kissed back we kept kissing until someone cleared throat. I looked up and saw Noah and Kaylee standing there. " I should ugh check some guest see you later bye" Skye said. "Woah you too so love each other when you too get married I'm so gonna be the maid of honor" Kaylee said 

Kaylee's POV

Sean then left so it was just me and Noah. "That was weird" Noah said "well I'll see you later I promised Skye I'd practice for music night"I said. I pressed a kiss to Noah's cheek and left. I had to have some peace and quiet I decided to go to Skye's mum's tree. I sat down got my guitar and journal and tried some new lyrics. 

'Stuck on you-ooh

Me and you-ooh 

If you need a shoulder, you got mine

If you're ever in a pinch
You'd know I'd give my very last dime
Two peas in a pod, me and you
In perfect harmony, we're bobbing our heads to the groove'

It was perfect, I actually wrote the song about me and Noah. I wrote it cause our 2 yr anniversary is coming up and I think it'll be romantic. When all of a sudden I heard twigs snap someone was coming. I looked up and saw my best friend Danielle." Danielle you gave me fright" "sorry it's just that now that I'm working at the Lodge I have to work with Ben and it's awkward"." Calm down Danielle it'll be alright just breathe and imagine it's you and Noah cause well as you said he's like a brother to you" "You're actually right kayles man you dating has really changed you".

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