Filler Chapter (you still need to read, though XD)

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*(Y/N) POV*

I was happy to find out the Rin wanted to come along on our journey, that meant Natsu and me weren't going to be alone.

I was currently eating Mira's chicken soup in the guild when I look down to see my soup gone. "The hell?!" I yell.

"What's up, (Y/N)?" Natsu asked he was sitting across from me, EATING MY SOUP!!

"Natsu, you're dead! That was my soup!" I yell angry.

He started sweating nervously. "Crap, I'm sorry?" 

I glare at him before throwing water in his face. It was only after I noticed he had changed his attire. Be for he was shirtless with a black vest, and he was wearing some type of white pants with a weird black skirt thing. 

(Old outfit)

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(Old outfit)

But now he was wearing a clock thing that had one sleeve that covered his left arm, he also had a brown belt. His pants were the same, though. 

(New outfit! *dies from hotness*)

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(New outfit! *dies from hotness*)

That damn boy looked cute in his outfit.

He noticed my starting and was confused. "What you looking at? Is there something on me?!" He started looking for something on him.

I giggle. "No, I just was looking at your outfit."

He stopped. "Oh right, you like?"

"Yeah, I do like it." I blush slightly, as did Natsu.

"Thanks." He said. "So, when are we leaving for our mission?" He asked

I sit back down on the bench. "I think tomorrow. Rin was sick and needs a bit more sleep."

"I wonder what happen to the kid. How'd he get so sick?" Natsu asked, staring at nothing.

I sigh. "I was wondering the same thing," I say, having a flashback of his injury's. I flinch in anger. "So, where is Happy?" I asked

"Oh, he's hanging with Yukoni." He told. "They seem to get along well."

"Yeah, they do." 

Just when things seemed calm at the moment. Little did we know something was happening behind the scenes...


Oooh, short chapter, bad cliffhanger. I seem to be doing this a lot. XD 

I hope you liked the filler chapter, though. (No matter how short it was. ;-; )

Thanks for reading, see ya in the next chapter! 

Buh-bye! <3


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