Chapter 2: Love Comes a Knockin'

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Chapter 2 "There is no such thing as accident; it is fate misnamed." -Napoleon Bonaparte

                I slammed my bags down onto the elevator floor, my arms were aching with a stinging pang, reminding me of how out of shape I was. "Thanks for doing this," I said to Phil.

            "That's what friends are for," he smiled his cheeky grin at me.

            Friends. I wasn't sure if I was happy by the fact that I was friends with one of my favorite YouTube stars or upset that I was only a friend.

            The doors popped open and we carried my luggage to the apartment door, Phil stumbled around with the keys and finally popped the door open. To my surprise there were some extra guests on the couch once we had gotten up the stairs and into the living room.

            "Hey Chris! Hi Peej!" Phil greeted happily plunking himself down in the middle of them on the couch.

            Dan looked up at me and smiled, "this is Chris and PJ, I'm sure you've seen them before on YouTube."

            I nodded my head, it was quite interesting, this all seemed so unreal. "Hi, I'm Phoebe Dubois," I waved.

            "Hi!" Chris greeted cheerfully his brown eyes just as cheerful as his smile.

            "Hello," PJ said locking his eyes on mine, they were mesmerizing. "How did you meet Dan and Phil?"

            "They tackled me and then pushed me into a mud puddle," I stated.

            PJ looked taken aback, then I heard Phil and Dan both stifle a laugh back.

            "I'm going to go change," I said nodding to the bathroom.

            I rummaged through my bag and found some cuddly pajamas and a tank top. I changed and washed my face. I walked back into the living room and I grabbed my fluffy Sherpa blanket and crawled onto the couch between Phil and PJ. I looked up at the TV and saw that they were watching Harry Potter.

            "Want ice cream?" Dan called from the Kitchen.

            "YES!" We all responded.

            He came back in a few minutes later with a  tray of bowls, I grabbed one, it was plain chocolate but it was my favorite. The chocolate was already melting and was beginning to pool down at the base of the bowl, I spooned out large bites rather than small ones because I loved ice cream. I ate about half of the ice cream before I began stirring the ice cream around in the bowl as it became liquidly, I smashed all the chunks so that it was nice and velvety. Then I looked out of the corner of my eye. PJ was staring at me.

            I turned embarrassed, "what?"

            "Just watching," he smirked.

            "I like my ice cream a little warm," I mumbled, lifting the bowl to my mouth and sipping up the liquid ice cream.

            PJ leaned closer to me as to not interrupt the others who were absorbed into the movie. His lips were practically against my ear I could feel his breath as he whispered to me, "warm chocolate ice cream is just chocolate milk."

            I turned my face towards him and looked him in the eyes, he thought he was quite clever, he wore a bright smile upon his face, I took one look and began laughing.

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