Chapter 3: Always A Mystery

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Chapter 3 "Sometimes the heart sees what is invisible to the eye." - H. Jackson Brown, JR.

            I shot up when I heard my phone ding. I looked at the coffee table where I set my phone, someone had texted me, that was until I read that it was from PJ.

            PJ: Hey its PJ, Dan gave me your phone number last night before we left, hope you don't mind. But seriously, you need to go check your twitter and your YouTube!

            Me: What? How'd you find my YouTube?

            PJ: Its linked on your Twitter, of course I found it hahaha

            Me: Oh duh lol

            I grabbed my laptop and checked twitter first. I had nearly one thousand followers and tons of people tweeting me about hanging out with the fantastic foursome. I then went to YouTube and saw that my small number of two thousand subscribers had grown to nearly five thousand.

            My phone buzzed and I glanced down at it.

            PJ: Crazy, right?

            Me: Yeah.

            I kept scrolling, crazy people theorizing different shipping combinations and haters hating me, others loving me. I was scared, but in the best way. It was a gut wrenching, headache inducing feeling

            Me: Oh God, they're shipping us! Hahaha #PhoebJ #Danbe, #Philbe, #Choebe

            PJ: Its cool at least they're shipping me to a girl instead of Chris now ;)

            I suddenly got an uncontrollable urge that I couldn't suppress with my mightiest of wills. I picked up my phone and dialed his phone number.

            It rang for a few seconds and then I heard a fuzzy noise and PJ's calm voice."Phoeb?"

            "Hi Peej, I was just wondering if um, you wanted to uh- film a vlog with me," I mumbled suddenly feeling a tad awkward.

            "I'd love to!" he said.

            "Alright, cool. Come meet at the apartment?"

            "Sure thing, and I have a prefect idea for the vlog!"

            "What is it?" I asked curiously.

            "You'll see," he said and hung the phone up.

            I got my red pea coat jacket, my black vans on then I jogged into the bathroom and fixed my hair, I did a last minute internet check, my subscribers were still growing. It was an exciting feeling that my YouTube career was finally booming, maybe I'd even get to go to VidCon!               My phone buzzed on the bathroom counter, PJ was there.      

            When I walked out of the bathroom both Phil and Dan were on their Lap Tops. I grabbed my gray cable knit hat.

            "Where are you going?" Phil's accent came from behind.

            "I'm going out, I'll be back by five!" I waved grabbing my phone and some money before trotting out the door.

            "Bye!" I heard Dan call as I practically raced down the stairs.

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