The too do list

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(A/N: (y/n) is your name and (y/i) is your initial)

It is Christmas Eve in London England. You are sitting on the arm of John's chair; with John at your side while you two talk about the upcoming Christmas party. Also in the room is an upset Sherlock standing before the two of you examining his new deerstalker hat. "Why does it have to be the hat photograph," complained Sherlock punching his new deerstalker hat. "What kind of a hat is it anyway? it a cap?... why does it have two fronts?" asked Sherlock switching the two ends of the hat in a in a circle to observe each end. "It's a we have to go shopping for Christmas presents in a few minutes. Should we wait til after we decorate to go?" corrected John before returning to our conversation. Sherlock scrunches his nose at the name, " How do you stalk a deer with a hat?.. What are you going to do, throw it?" he asked making a throwing motion with the hat. "We should probably wait Mrs. Hudson wants to help out with the decorating." You commented glancing up at Sherlock then back at John who nods in agreement writing it down on our to do list. "Some sort of death Frisbee?" Asked Sherlock once more throwing the hat in a Frisbee motion. "Yeah and while we decorate, we will have to be more careful with that." says John motion to Sherlock who's back is turned at the moment. In an instant Sherlock spun around with the deerstalker untied throwing the hat in John's lap while he ranted "It's got flaps. Ear flaps. It's an ear hat, John! What do you mean, more careful?" You sigh taking the hat from John silencing the crude insult forming at his lips. "Sherlock, this isn't a deerstalker now, it's a Sherlock Holmes hat." You explained setting the hat on the couch, then you turn back to the confused consulting detective. "And also you need to help out with the Christmas party tonight."

Sherlock slumps a bit like a child who got told to do his chores. "Whhhhhhhhhyyyy." whined Sherlock sitting down in his chair staring up at the ceiling. "Because this is what people do for Christmas, plus it would be nice to invite everyone over once in awhile." You said smiling, picking up some files and papers that Sherlock knocked on the floor from his little temper tantrum. The flat grew quiet but for the slight sound of John's pen scratching over his notepad. Jotting a couple more things needed for tonight, John glances down at his watch. "Bollocks, (y/n) we need to go, the shop will close in an hour for Christmas, and we still need to buy everything." Nodding you pick up your jacket shrugging in on. "Sherlock, you can come with us, but if you decide not to do try to clean up a bit." Sherlock made a inhuman sound as he curled up in his leather chair. John shakes his head as the two of you walk down the stairs. "Mrs. Hudson?....we are going out before the shop closes....we will be back in a bit." Mrs. Hudson peaked out of her flat door clean supplies in hand smiling. "Of course dear, you and John go ahead I'll decorate some; and many get Sherlock to help out." chuckling at her words you thank her making your way to the hailed cab John stopped.

Two hours later of speed shopping, decorating, and dealing with Sherlock the flat finally look acceptable for a Christmas party. Flopping down in the couch you and John let out a sigh of accomplishment. Looking around the room you both taken in your handy work until the clock struck 7:00. Exchanging looks the two of you run off to get yourselves ready for the party. Scrambling to the bathroom, to see who claims it first. John unfortunately gets a head start running into the bathroom, But you grab his leg tackling him to the floor. Giggling at the struggle you two give each other down the hall John ends up winning the prize. "Aha, I win (y/n)." "Oh come on.." you whine a bit pulling yourself to your feet as John blocks the bathroom entrance. "Sorry little sister, but I won fair and square." Stated John puffing out his chest a bit. "ugh , fine but i'm going to get you back for this John Watson." You declared walking out into the living room to see a smirking Sherlock. "Can I help?" asked Sherlock looking up from his violin that laid on his lap. Smirking back at the eager detective you nod in agreement before going downstairs to ask to use Mrs. Hudson's shower.

After a hot shower and pulling on something christmasy and comfortable; you climb the stairs back up to 221B. With wrapped gifts under your arms, and filling your hands you start up the narrow stairs to the flat. The gift block your view of the stairs a bit as you feel your way up. Unfortunately gravity was working against you. For the bright red gift with holding a new pocket watch for a certain Holmes; started to slide off the top of the pile of gifts. With wide eyes you try to save the small box, twisting your upper body towards the gift. The sudden movement jerked the box down the stairs to be caught by no one other than Mycroft Holmes. With a surprised expression Mycroft dropped his umbrella catching the unsuspecting present. The sight of the elder Holmes brother clutching to the small box unaware of his gift in his hands, brought a slight blush across your cheeks. "One got away didn't it?" Mycroft smirked picking up his umbrella before bounding up the stairs to take some of the gift you were struggling to hold on to. Smiling with the desperate motion to cover up your blushing; you gladly exchanging some of the presents. "Thanks Mycroft." Mycroft smiled and started up the stairs. "The pleasure is all mine."

Once upstairs you and Mycroft placed the gift under the makeshift tree that you and John had made in under a hour. John walks out of his bedroom carrying a bucket of beers, and expensive looking wines. "Oh Mycroft, it's very nice to see you today, Merry Christmas." Nodding in reply Mycroft perches himself into John's chair gracelessly accepts the cup of tea you were handing him. Sitting on the couch you clamp your hands tightly together to muster up the courage to speak. "So Mycroft__" "Ugh what is he doing here?!" complained Sherlock point his violin bow at his older brother. "We invited him, he's your brother and it's Christmas in which he's staying get over Sherlock Holmes." You hissed turning around giving Mycroft a small smile, as the doorbell rang. "Ugh (y/n) could you answer that I am in the process of battling this turkey...I told you this was a bad idea." Leaving a wide eyed Sherlock standing almost hugging his grand violin to his chest. Leaning into the kitchen you can see John tackling a over sized turkey in an attempt to cook it. "Oh come on John it's Christmas don't be such a downer." You chimed chuckling at the sight of your brother stuffing a turkey twice his size; as you hop down the stairs. Soon you come up followed by Greg Lestrade, Mrs. Hudson, and Molly Hooper.

An hour later, with everyone fed, a little unsteady from the amount of wine and beer. John stumbles over to the little Christmas tree to play Santa Claus. Gathered around like children on Christmas morning John starts handing out each gift. The Holmes boys were first Sherlock fingered the wrapped gift carefully as if he was trying to deduce what it was. Mycroft raised an eyebrow surprised that he was going to receive a present. The sound of crinkling filled the flat as they opened the gifts. Sherlock's eyes lit up at the sight of a board game called Cluedo and a 11X11X11 Rubik's cube. As Sherlock played with his Rubik's cube Mycroft opens the little box revealing a shiny golden pocket watch with chain. Lighting touching the shiny surface Mycroft inspects the design, popping it open listening to it's soft ticks and beautiful clock face. On the back was engraved "To my dearest friend Mycroft Holmes, Merry Christmas, (F/I).W.

Mycroft's heart fluttered inside his chest as he glances up at you holding a new scarf and jacket smiling as you hug Molly and John. Tucking the special pocket watch in his suit jacket Mycroft discarded the box and wrapping paper as the other finish opening their gifts. Finally the clock struck midnight and everyone started to head out for the night. While you are saying your goodbyes a hand casually clamped itself on your shoulder. Think is was John you lean back into the person watching the snow fall around the door frame. A few minutes passed with you leaning back on what you thought was "your older brother". Two strong arms wrap themselves around your waist holding you close for a few minutes. Your mind starts to wonder as a smile filled yours lips. Clearing his throat Mycroft unwraps his arms from around your waist before speaking."Well, I probably should get going, I just wanted to thank you for my new pocket watch." States Mycroft as you snap up standing straight once more. Turning around your face is bright red, and your start to ramble. Mycroft! I..I'm so sorry, I thought you were John....uh." Mycroft stops you placing a hand up on your cheek, slowly leaning forward placing a small kiss on your lips. "I will pick you up tomorrow night at 8 o'clock sharp....Merry Christmas (y/n) Watson." "Merry Christmas Mycroft" Watching Mycroft get into one of his shiny black cards; turning around you are faced with a confused John carrying a tray of what was left of the turkey for Mrs. Hudson. "What just happened?" You smile back at your big brother giving him a kiss on the cheek before heading up stairs. "Nothing....Merry Christmas John."

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