Chapter 6: Same Mistakes

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AN: Chapter 6 of Emison: Secret Friend. I am so so so sorry it has taken like a year for me to update. I've been soo busy with advanced classes and trying to keep a social life together. Now I have some free time so I decided to continue this story. This chapter is going to be a wee bit different because of the fact that it has been almost a year that i've last updated. Pll is in season 5 now and a lot of things have changed between Emison. So bare with me, i'm going to fast foreword this to present day.


1 year before

Emily always loved going to the beach with all the girls. It meant that Emily would be spending more time with Alison. She would ask Emily to give her a back massage, knowing, that Emily would jump to any opportunity to be close to Ali. That was the old Emily, the new Emily didn't care about those things. All the years without Ali had let Emily become the strong person she is today. When Alison disappeared Emily thought she would never find happiness from the things she used to enjoy. The brunette thinks back to the days she wouldn't  want to swim. Her mom was the first to notice. Aria was off in Iceland, Hanna was dealing with her parents divorce, and Spencer was busy doing whatever her parents had planned out for her. It had felt like she was the only one really mourning the loss of Ali. Emily attempted to explain to her mother that she just didn't feel like swimming that day. The excuse got old real quick. Eventually, Pam Fields stopped the constant bugging, after 2 years of Alison being old news, Emily was finding her way back to her old self. She had rejoined the swim team and even made Captain, a goal of hers since middle school. She never really realized how much she missed being in the water. Swimming gave her a weightless feeling that she craved for so long. It was the best way to clear her head without much effort. 

 Now, Ali has only been back for a few months, To Emily, it feels like it was just yesterday that she grabbed on to Alison's arm, begging her not to leave. That day, Emily seen something in Alison's eyes that she had never seen before, terror. Alison was terrified to come back to Rosewood. At that moment Emily wanted nothing more than to make A suffer for putting Alison through all of that pain for so long. She couldn't have imagined what Ali had experienced during those two years.


It all seemed like such a huge joke now. Just a year ago, she couldn't even fathom what it must have felt like to be Alison Dilaurentis for the two years she was on the run. Emily Fields knows exactly how Alison felt; trapped, alone, helpless. Why me?  Emily had repeated to herself over and over again. She tried to make sense of why she was chosen to be A's little plaything. Well you are the weakest link. Her thoughts bitterly pointed out. A is probably trying to get Alison and the girls to try and save her. Then they would all be trapped here. She would rather be here alone than have all of her friends suffer along side her. She hopes Ali is moving on. The insecure part of her feels like Alison already found someone new to move on with. She knows that Alison has changed, at least from what Emily seen a year ago. 

 After what seemed like hours, a soft creaking noise had filled the silent room. The brunette looks up to the door which she has decided opens to what she thinks is a storm shelter she is being held in, as a sliver of light fills the room. 

 She knows the morning drill. She gets dragged up the stairs to the outside where she is instructed to clean herself up. The area surrounding the house is clear but that is just another deception A had fooled her with.


 Emily was left outside for a while, instructed by the grave voice over the loudspeaker to clean off. It had only been a few weeks that she had been here, according to her own calculations. She would do the same routine everyday. Wake up, clean up, eat the small amounts she was given, and then A would surprise her with whatever game they had planned out for the day. The area around the home had no fences, no barriers of any kind. This was an automatic red flag for Emily. A wouldn't just leave an open space where they knew she would try to escape. There was a sign in the middle of the field surrounding the house, no more than 200 ft away that said "WARNING: THIS PROPERTY IS PROTECTED BY ELECTRIC CURRENCY". There was no fence so it could not have been an electric fence. A was trying to play mind games with her. It was a 50/50 chance that the sign was lying and it was only there to throw Emily off. Ignoring all the warnings going off inside her head, Emily didn't look back. She ran past the sign going as fast as her weakened body would allow her. She could see what looked like a freeway up ahead and was about to yell for help when a stabbing pain went through her left foot. She crumpled to the ground, wailing in agony. Through her shocked daze, Emily looked down to her left foot caught in a bear trap. The sight of her leg torn apart and bleeding like in a horror movie was enough to make her pass out. 


 Taking the sponge to wash off with, the swimmer glanced down at her left foot covered in scars that never properly healed. After the attempted escape, A made sure to give Emily antibiotics to prevent infection but didn't ever get proper care for the open wound. A wanted to keep her alive but wouldn't allow her proper care. A day after, she was awoken by something landing in front of her with a thud. She looks to find a first aid kit. The brunette almost wishes she could throw it away. Tell A she would rather die than be a slave. As much as the thought tempted her, a small part of her knew she couldn't do that to her family or herself. Emily Fields didn't give up. She wasn't raised to do so. So she swallowed her pride and cleaned her wounds, then covered it up to prevent infection.

 Emily was not a person who ever begged, unless for good reason. She felt the situation she was in was an exception to her rules. Closing her eyes, Emily pleaded to no one in particular. 

 "Someone, anyone, please help me. I don't want to die in this place. I hope someone out there hears me."

 Present day Rosewood

 "Today is the one year anniversary of Miss Emily Fields's unexplained disappearance. Investigators are still doing their best to gather more information that can lead to finding the missing Rosewood teen. Some speculate that the disappearance is connected to Emily Fields's best friend, Alison Dilaurentis's, disappearance two years prior to her being safely recovered. The seemingly targeted kidnapping has not gone unnoticed by Rosewood PD. They are trying to find any similarities between the two kidnappings, hoping to be rewarded with a valuable clue that could bring Emily Fields home. This is Amy Andrews, Chanel 11 news."

 Choking back a sob, Alison Dilaurentis shuts the t.v. off before collapsing on the couch. Eventually tiring herself out from crying, the blonde falls into a restless sleep.

AN: Soooo? Tell me what you guys think. If you want more or if you have any suggestions for me i'd appreciate it a lot. Thanks! -Ash

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2015 ⏰

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