Chapter 3: Did you miss me Em?

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AN: So as requested here is chapter 3 of Emison: Secret Friend. As always enjoy, review, and message me even if you just wanna talk. And omg i'm kinda disappointed in 4x14 but whatever emison. 

(Third person P.O.V)

Emily and Alison stared at each other for what seemed like an eternity but was really only a few minutes. They both subtly changed so much in the past four years. Emily's face just slimmed down a little more, losing all her old young baby fat. She got even more beautiful than she was before. Alison thought with a soft smile. Emily's heart melted at such a beautiful sight she has missed so much. 

 She missed so much about Ali. Even the little things Ali would do and Emily would always remember these things. She especially missed Alison's laugh. Nothing could compare to the amazing sound that was her laugh. Her eyes, her smile, her beautiful lips, and her even more amazing body. 

 Emily has no idea how much Ali really missed her. She knows she still thinks that Ali has absolutely no feelings for her whatsoever. Which is definitely not true. It still makes her sad that she had hurt Emily for so long and all she could do was sit by and watch. Ali knows Em is mad because she had hurt her and left her in the dark for so long when all along she was sitting in the shadows.

 Surprisingly, Alison made the first move. She took one tentative step towards Emily, then a next, and a next. Until they were only an arms length. Even being this close to each other effected the both of them on unknown levels. Emily wanted so badly to just reach over and touch Ali, make sure that she's really there. Even after all these years Emily was just as shy around Ali as she was in 7th grade.

 "Emily?" My breath caught in my throat at her voice saying my name so beautifully. It was like she had been practicing saying my name just for this moment.

 "Alison, where have you been?" My sudden anger and sadness came rising up as I asked the question that has been taunting my mind for so long. How could she stay away for so long and not even give us a hint that she is alive. All this time i've been sad and heartbroken over her death and she's been sitting her watching us like a t.v. show. 

 "I'm sorry Em I know your mad but you don't understand what I'm up against. I'm just trying to protect you and the girls." Emily's heart goes out to Ali but that doesn't mean she still isn't incredibly angry with her. 

 "Ali you left and you said nothing to us. Even a simple 'hey i've gotta leave because a crazy physco is trying to kill me' but we got nothing. We've all been in the dark this whole time. Do you even know how much I missed you!?" Remorse and guilt shone in Ali's eyes and Emily wanted to take back her harsh tone. 

 " I understand why your mad Em. I missed you too. I just didn't want to involve you guys." Emily stepped foreword and tentatively wrapped her strong arms around Ali's slim frame. Slowly, stll shocked by the sudden hug, she wrapped her arms around Emily and let her head rest against her chest. It felt so good to the both of them to be wrapped in each others arms once again. It has been so long that Ali had physical contact with someone she loved.

 Pulling away Ali looked into Emily's eyes and with all the sincerity she could muster she said, "I'm so sorry I hurt you so bad Em. If I could take it back I would, but I know I can't. So I understand if your still extremely mad and hurt by what I did." 

 "It's okay Ali I kind of understand why you did it, but I am still mad. I mean you were my first love and you broke my heart." At Emily's past tense were Ali's heart ached a little but pushed it away. The look of pain didn't go unnoticed by Emily but before she could even think about it was gone. 

 "Ali I need to know who your so afraid of. We need to help you so you can come back." 

 "I can't tell you." 

 "Why not?" 

 "Because I just can't!" Ali shouted a little harsher than she wanted it to come out. Emily cringed at the harshness directed at her. 

 "I'm sorry Emily. I just can't tell anyone or else somehow he'll know and hurt you for meeting with me." Emily mentally confirmed in her mind that 'A' is a man according to Ali's slip-up. 

 Sudden unexpected tears sprung in Emily's eyes and Ali soon came and wrapped her in another tight yet so comforting hug. Tears dripped down onto Ali's coat but she didn't care. She hated seeing Emily crying, especially when it was about her. 

 "I hate seeing you cry so much especially when it's over me." Ali voiced her thoughts. Emily silently sobbed into Ali's shoulder finally breaking down for the first time in front of Ali in four years. Don't cry, don't cry, don't cry. Your stronger than that, you need to be strong for Emily. 

 "Shhh Em your okay i'm here, i'm here I won't leave again. I promise you." Emily looked up with tears still running down her cheeks. She truly smiled for the first time in what seems like forever. Reaching up Ali softly kissed Emily's cheek, her lips lingering longer than a friend would. Emily's face was beat red by the time Ali pulled away. Her cheek was tingling from where Ali's lips were placed just a moment ago. 

 "I have to go. I can't stay for long in one spot. I'll contact you for another meeting, if you want that?" 

 "Of course." 

 "Goodbye Emily. It was very nice seeing you. I didn't ever think it was possible but you've gotten even more beautiful over the years." With one last smile over her shoulder Ali disappeared into the darkness. Still beaming from the compliment Emily whispered almost not hearing her own voice.

 "So have you Ali." 

AN: Let me know what you thought of this chapter. The more you tell me and review and such the more confidence and drive I have to get it out quicker for you guys to read. As always, hope you enjoy -Ashlyn

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