SLYTHERINS(future generation)

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AUTHORS NOTE:hi,dis story was written by me and my friend and it is my first wattpad story.Hope you like it!!!!!!!!!


You may think that Hogwarts isn't cliche but things have changed over times.Everyone kept to their own friends.I was part of the cliche of fourth year slytherins.But, unlike most other cliches ours had tottaly different kind of people.I was sitting in a compartment with my best friends HAZEL, SCORPIUS, MEGAN, ALBUS and DAMON.

Me,I was the dont mess with me or i'll kick your butt type .

Hazel was sweet to everyone and was very friendly.

Scorpious was the Qudditch captain and most of the student body were either scared of him or hated him because he was a Malfoy.

Megan was the person to go to when you had a wardrobe crisis or when you needed your hair done .

Albus was the son of the famous Harry Potter so everyone was surprised when he was put into Slytherin.

Damon,well everyone thought he was the quiet type but he really is not.And he is also a very good advice giver.

But there is one thing all of us share in common.


The train reached the station but I guess I was lost in my own world as Megan had to shout "Come back to Earth"

We all then made our way towards the carriages that were said to be pulled by some creatures called thestrals which none of us but Damon could see.

The carriages moved very fast as usual and we reached Hogwarts in less than 15 miniutes.We then walked towards the castle and enterd the Great Hall.All of us sat in the Slytherin table which was at the far left end of the hall.Proffesor Flitwick led the first -years into the hall and there was also a girl about my age.She must have been a transfer student.

Meanwhile 7 first years had been sorted into Slytherin and I seriously couldnt care about the others.After 13 miniutes only the transfer girl was left to be sorted.

"Moore,Natalie"called Flitwick.

The transfer girl walked towards the stool and Flitwick placed the Hat on her head.A few seconds later the hat shouted '"SLYTHERIN".

She got up and walked towards the Slytherin table and sat down.

The headmistress Proffesor Mcgonnall then welcome all of us and then the food started appearing on the table.I helped myself to how much ever food I could.After the feast ended we made our way towards the Slytherin common room.There on the notice board there was a sheet pinned telling who all will be sharing a dorm.I knew I would be sharing a room with Hazel and Megan as usual but I still checked the noticeboard and found out that transfer girl will be sharing a room with us.

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