14: First Day

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Idk guys i am literally having the s***tiest day ever i just got destroyed on a test i studied so much for and im so tired and i have more tests to study for and im just really stressed --- so i think there will only be one chapter update this week ^^ im sorry and im so grateful for all the support and i promise ill repay the extra chapter in the upcoming weeks askjh hwaiting!!

nct second win ajkhsfkhj im so proud of my boys


C H A P T E R   1 4

"So...today is our first day then?"

"W-what? First day? Of what?"

"....what? You don't know what that means?"

Silence breaks out for a few seconds. What 'first day'?

"...english studies?...isn't today our first day?"

"It means our first day of dating!"

"DATING! What!??! We can't date!"

"Why not? You basically threw yourself at me! Don't you want to date me?" I hit Doyoung's shoulder.

"I didn't throw myself at you....its more like you threw yourself at me! You ..... me first!"

"I....what? What did I do first?"

"..You know."

"I don't remember...if you can't tell me, show me." Doyoung sticks his cheek out with his eyes closed. He knows what he did first. He's just playing with me. I push his cheek out of my face with his finger.

"Study English or leave." The only words able to leave my mouth also seem to be the driest.

"Oh Minlee, you're such a rookie at this. You clearly have never dated before. Well, okay, I haven't either, but seriously, what are you doing? We just confessed our love for each-other and you're telling me to study?! We can't do that now, let's do it next time. Let's just spend tonight together."

"Aren't we...usually always together? And studying is a good idea because it won't be awkward."

"Awkward? Who said we're awkward? You seem just fine being a roadkill right now..pfft"

"Well how else can we pass the time? Sit down and do nothing? Asking each-other what our favorite colours are?

"Ah, no. Not really what couples do on their first day. It's more like this:" Doyoung starts walking towards me, in a confident and haughty manner. His bold steps forward set me aback, taking me a few steps backward. Staring into my eyes, he takes his right hand and puts it above my shoulder, setting the palm of his hand to the wall behind me.

"This feeling now, is how it should feel on a first day like this. Do you see?"

"A- - -ah, yes." I suddenly find a shortage of words to say as I face Doyoung's stare."

"..well I mean, the mood seems right...How about you kiss me now? My lips are..close to yours right now, and our hearts are beating as one. It's only good that you pay back the deed, you know."

"Whaa!!!!!! Yeah, no!!! That's enough Doyoung! How about you come again another day for that!" I bend under his straightened hand, escaping my trapped position. Although my heart has exploded a million and one times in that single interaction, I still feel unready to make my own moves. I grab Doyoung by his elbow and escort him outside.

I fake yawn. "Oh wow look it's getting late and it's impolite of you to be here at a guest's house for this long. Let's text later and talk about our next meeting. Maybe we can have it at your dorm so you can actually be productive haha! Bye Doyoung!"

"Okay okay I'm leaving. No...goodbye kiss?"

"Nope! Bye!"

"Hmph fine. My girlfriend Minlee is being stubborn today but I'm sure you'll be begging me for attention sooner or later. Thank you for today! Goodbye!"

"Yes yes thank you too. Night!" I lightly push the door closed. I go to my desk and one-shot the remaining coffee left, and fall to my bed. What. A. Day

A short while later, my phone starts buzzing uncontrollably, as if it's been possessed by the vibrate option. I reach to get my phone to see a stream of continuous texts from Doyoung:






-hello hi what

-I arrived home safely :3


-Are you going to sleep now?

-zzzzz im already asleep kekeke

-I guess I must sleep too then. Good night, my dear girlfriend.

-...yeah dont say that. Ill delete your number



-just kidding! I just love you so much! <3


3 good night, doyoung-ah

-good night







Ok good night

Did you fall asleep?

Make sure to dream of me...

But don't have weird dreams

Or you can..


Ok goodnight

Ok bye

I smile helplessly as I read through the collective spam messages Doyoung sends. Should I send one last message....maybe I should..but then he'll spam me for the rest of the night..and i actually do want some sleep ... nahh you shouldn't

Just as I am about to close my phone, it dings once again with a new message. Oh god, is Doyoung going to spam me all night? When I check the message however, it turns to be from the NCT staff group chat. The PD-nim sends:

-2017-03-01 - 2017-03-20: NCT overseas trip to China. All staff attending.

All staff attending? That means I'm going! That means I ...only have two days to prepare!

T O  B E   C O N T I N U E D

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