Teenage Minlee is one of the smartest youths in the world. She is fluent in a multitude of languages, and is a member of the dignified and prestegious Mensa. But don't be fooled; Minlee is as clumsy, awkward and lazy as human beings can get. As she...
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anneyeong!!! I've decided to update every Friday !AND! Saturday(again, assuming school doesnt eat me ;-;)!!! I think I'll be able to commit to this new updating schedule, but please understand if I only update once on some weeks~
also yall should watch nct 127 limitless because my bois are actually s l a y i n g im so shook i cant even uhafdskjfh its been like a year and i cant even choose a bias because i love them all soo much equally and just my life is a mess i need to go study for exams but nct 127 keeps interfering in my life and im going to fail everything and be a dissapointment( parce que je suis une honte de ma famille) and i just need to h a j i m a 111!!1
ok lmao sorry for going off-topic im clearly waste but ill probably continue to do this because im a literal waste that needs to go study omg ok ill stop
enjoy chapter 5! lots of love, author-nim!! <3<3<3<3<3<3
I sprint to the washroom mirror. I look okay, I look okay. OKAY..OKAY!!.
I look in the peephole again. This can't be real, surely:
"She's home, right?"
"Obviously. Do you think she would know any other place to be?"
They all let out taunting giggles.
Okay, Minlee, don't keep them waiting for too long. You got this! Fighting!!
I gracefully open the door:
"To the world, here is NCT!! Anneyeonghaseo!"
"Hi, I'm Mark! This is Haechan, Jaehyun, Johnny, Yuta, Taeyong, Win Win, Taeil, and Doyoung. Yes yes, I already know your names.Oh god, you guys are so hot. Nice to meet you, we all look forward to be your neighbors!"
"Hello! Nice to meet you too! My name is Minlee, and I really hope we get along..lets..be friends?!" I smile, feeling my lip tails stretched out to the sides of my face. Their faces however..look extremely confused. Uhh...did they not understand my Korean. Lord spare me.
Haechan comments first: "What!? You speak Korean!?!?! ..What!? Uh oh, did you understand us when we first met?? .. ...sorry about the laptop."
"Haha, we thought you only spoke English. That's why I introduced us all!", Mark says.
"You should've told us earlier!", Johnny exclaims.
"That's a relief! That means that we don't have to worry about language barriers. This seems good, Minlee, I think we'll all get along quickly! You are pretty too!" no..No.nO..