Chapter 1-Revelations

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"I'm home!" Ash yelled into the house. A fairly tall woman with auburn brown hair tied in a low ponytail rushed out of the kitchen. "Ash!" She said, hugging Ash tightly. "'" Ash stammered out. "Sorry." She said, chuckling a little. "Oh. These people are your friends I assume!" She said, smiling at them. 'Wow....I feel home.' The three of them thought, coincidentally. They introduced themselves. "So....Clemont, Bonnie, you little cutie pie." The woman said, mumbling the last part. "...And Serena. Say Ash, is Serena your girlfriend?" "Mom. Of course she is!" Ash told her with his signature toothy grin. "Oh?" Ash's mom said, looking at Serena as she noticed her blush hard. "Yeah! She's a girl and she is my friend, so....GIRLFRIEND!" Ash said, making everyone else sweatdrop. "Dense as ever..." Both Bonnie and Ash's mom said. "Oh! Look at me, I forgot to introduce myself. I am Ash's mom and my name is Delia Ketchum but feel free to call me Delia." She said, with a bright smile that could light up even the darkest shadows. Suddenly, the doorbell rang. "Coming!" Ash said as he rushed to open the door. "Hey guys!" Ash greeted his friends who were standing at the doorway. They pushed Ash aside as they walked towards the living room. "Ash....we need to talk." A man with brown hair said. He was carrying a black bag and was wearing a green top with...brown pants. "What is it Brock?" Ash said, as positively as he could as he could feel the atmosphere get tense. "Give up. On your dream." His friends chorused. "WHAT? YOU SAID THIS WAS A POKEMON BATTLE!?" Brock, Gary and Max exclaimed. Soon, another ring from the doorbell was heard. "Coming!" Serena said, this time, the door opened by itself. "Hey Ash. I just wanted to-Oh. You have company already?" Paul said with Trip standing behind him. "You guys can come in though." Delia said, giving them a signal to come in. Brock, Max and Gary walked over to Ash. Ash was confused. His head was filling with alot of thoughts when Clemont spoke up, "And what do you guys mean by that?" "Ash.....he cheated! He drugged his pokemon to enhance their powers!" A boy named Calem said. "Come on Sere, come here!!" Calem exclaimed, trying to pull her over to his side but Gary smacked his hand and he retreated his hand in pain. "Calem's right. How else would he win 6 leagues in a row. The news never lies. NEVER." May said, emphazing on the word, 'never'. "You....guys want me to give up on my dream...BECAUSE SOME NEWS SAID THAT I DRUGGED MY POKEMON?!" Ash said, his aura flaring up. Surprisingly, he wasn't surrounded with some red or blue aura. In fact, he was....still considered.....a little calm....? Suddenly, one of Ash's pokemon popped up. It was a bipedal frog, with shuriken patterns on his legs. His tongue was wrapped around his blue neck as he crossed his arms, resembling a ninja. Following him out was a bipedal dog. He had a small spike on his paws and had 4 appendages on the back of his head. There was a larger spike on his chest. Both pokemon stared at the crowd threateningly, clearly meaning business if they laid a finger on Ash....or their "master" as they called Ash that. Always. Even if Ash says not to. 'Oh so now what. Your friends are betraying you. Just great. That's the last thing we need.' Lucario told Ash through Aura. 'I agree with Lucario, master.' Greninja didn't know how to use Aura so he used telepathy instead.
So, Ash just looked at his friends in anger and confusion. "Look. Ash helped you all so much. He was there for you guys when you needed him. What is the meaning of this? TELL ME." Clemont told them, as much as he wanted to stay calm, some of his emotions accidentally flowed out in his last two words. "See?! Ash brainwashed you guys. Obviously." Iris said, pointing at Ash with venom in her voice as she said that. Ash couldn't believe it. People he has considered friends just turned their backs on him. He took out Greninja's and Lucario's pokeballs and called them back. He walked out of his home and threw a pokeball. A dragon that was orange and had a flame on its tail appeared. "Take me to Mt.Silver. Please." Ash told the pokemon. The pokemon nodded and let Ash climb on. Shortly after, it started flapping its wings and flew towards the tallest mountain in all regions. Mt.Silver.

Yipeeeeee. I feel so tired, lol. Either way, the video on top features the song Party Ghost-VPR. Definitely amazing. It's worth listening to. short chapters don't fit the awesome long videos and songs I put in my chapters. Welp. Hope you guys are satisfied. My exams are like 2 days time so...Ima try to get as many chapters as I can out so you guys won't get bored.

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