Chapter 6-Let'z Go!

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Ash and his new crew were heading out when they were suddenly stopped by May and Iris. Ash looked around for Cilan but he didn't see him. "Oh look, it's the loser and his friends." Iris said. Ash was surprised that Iris didn't call him a little kid. "Yeah, look. Oh look at his pitiful friends. Too bad for them, they are on the wrong side." May added on. Ash's aura started flaring up but Brock placed a hand on Ash's shoulder and pushed him back, startling Ash and made his aura disperse. "Alright, I to a Pokémon battle!" Brock said bluntly as he pointed at May. May gulped as quietly as she could. Her Blaziken wouldn't hold up well as Brock is a rock-type trainer. May left the rest of her pokémon at the PokeCenter. She mentally facepalmed and stared at Brock. Brock wasn't even trying to intimidate her but he was very menacing in her eyes. "Well?" Brock said impatiently. "I-i acc-ept...." May stuttered out, making Iris elbow her in the stomach. She winced in pain and shot Iris a glare. They headed over to the battlefield behind the building and took their positions. "I will be the referee for this battle. This battle will be a 3v-" Clemont said before being interrupted by May. "I only" May said, embarrassed. Iris shot a fierce glare to her causing her to shake a little. "Okay.......this will be a 1v1 battle. Trainers, please choose your pokémon!" "Blaziken, get ready to shine!" "Golem, let's go!" As the battle was ongoing, Iris walked up to Ash and asked him for a battle. Ash agreed and they went into the forest, stealthily. No one except Serena noticed their absence. Serena looked around frantically, only to see and hear an explosion. The battle that was ongoing was stopped abruptly and they all rushed to the site of explosion. (Ima call it that for now.) Either way, they rushed over, only to see Iris commanding Dragonite to shoot Ice Beams at Greninja while it was in its other form. (Ash-Greninja.) Ash commanded Greninja to dodge. Iris knew that if she hurt Greninja, Ash would get hurt too. So she used this as a way to hurt Ash, indirectly. Ash, however, saw through her scheme and made Greninja dodge every move. Ash knew that Dragonite's Ice Beams were strong enough to K.O a fire type pokemon thus the dodging. Greninja on the other hand, was panting for breath and because of that, Ash was too. Greninja finally got hit by an Ice Beam and it flew straight towards a tree. Ash jumped behind him and knocked himself into the tree trunk with Greninja on top. Ash felt a stabbing pain in his back, doubled by Greninja's injuries. Ash felt the world slowly disappear as he collapsed and was knocked out cold. Greninja was fine but he pushed Lucario's pokeball off, asking Lucario to teleport them to the PokeCenter. Supporting Ash, Greninja helped Nurse Joy lay him onto the stretcher and they headed to a vacant room immediately. He was then transfered onto a bed and Greninja was told to go out. The others ran into the Pokecenter. Looking around, they realized that May and Iris were gone.

May's POV (yay I started doing it!)
"Iris...that was too much." I said to her, as firmly as I could. She hurt Ash. Sure, we didn't like him. In fact, we despised him but still. She shouldn't have done that, since Ash once considered her a friend. "Too much? Please, I could have done more if I wanted to. That wasn't even all I could do." She replied, smirking. I take it back, Ash is lucky that she didn't do what I thought she might do. "Also, why did you leave your Pokémon at the Pokecenter, idiot?!" Iris said, raising her hand to hit me. I prepared for the smack but it never came. I opened my eyes slowly and saw.....ASH?!

Ooooooo, what was that all about? Find out in the next chapter. (lol) Either way, yay. I got another chapter out! I know I'm updating wayyy slower but I really am tired. My body is telling me to sleep but I'm not. Coz i wanna put out one more chapter. It's gonna be a long one. Also, just to inform you guys, after Ash won the league, the whole Team Flare Arc never happened. So yeah, just wanna tell it. It's vital to the development of my story. *wink wink* So yeah, that's all and I'll see you all in the next chapter, CYA! (And peace out~☆)

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