Chapter 13-Hopes and Dreams!

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Over time, I realised that Serena still looked the same. I was still hospitalized but it was okay, knowing that my friends were fine. I've been smiling more often and been my.....old self. Everytime I look at Serena though, her face starts to heat up. She keeps saying that she doesn't have a fever but I don't believe that one bit. Oh well, if she says she's fine, then I might as well believe it.

Oh man. That one sentence he said last night is implanted in my head. Well, the last few days, I've blushing like mad. Ash is worried that I have a fever but I keep telling him that isn't the case. Sometimes, Bonnie teases me causing me to flare up and sometimes yell. I even got in trouble with Nurse Joy, but Nurse Joy being who she is, she forgave me really quickly and went back to being jolly. Oh well.

I just realised that Ash is....what does Bonnie say.......ah! DENSE! Bonnie used to say that I was dense but.....Ash is more dense then I am. Well, I also realised that I haven't really went back to Lumiose City to fufill my gym leader duties. Trust me, without Clembot v2.0, I wouldn't be able to get far. Oh yeah! I upgraded Clembot. I should show the........crowd? No, wait, I think Ash calls us his "gang". Oh well, I'll show the "gang" the upgraded version of Clembot soon! Not even Bonnie or my dad knows about it. I can't wait to surprise them.

You know, I miss performing in front of a crowd. It was my DREAM. I always HOPED for a chance to perform. I really wanted to be Kalos Queen, but hey! At least I got second! Maybe next time, I'll get a chance to perform again!

I've been noticing how Serena is blushing alot. All because of Ash...."AH! YOU'RE A KEEPER! WILL YOU TAKE CARE OF MY BROTHER?"
I said as I stared at the lady who walked by. Too bad Clemont wasn't here. She gave a nervous chuckle as she told me that she had a boyfriend already. Oh come on, just when Clemont wasn't around. Now about my future.......erm......I have no idea why I'm thinking about this....maybe the author just wanted me to? *fourth wall shatters* (Okay, never do that again Bonnie! Now I have to repair the wall, thank you very much.) Oh snap. Well...I want to be like Serena, an awesome performer, but I also want to be like Ash, a brave and encouraging trainer! Ugh....What do I choose? Choosing a DREAM is hard. Oh.......

THE ENDDDD. Did you like that little insert there? The fourth wall? I think it makes it more....less....intense? I don't know. Also, just realised, we are closing to the end. Uh...I decided to make maybe a few more chapters so that the story will seem more complete. Well, that's all for now, see you in the next chapter!

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