Chapter 8

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Sorry it's taken so long to update. Please enjoy!

- JS

Josh's P.O.V -

'I'm so proud of you!' Liam said, patting me on the back, beaming. 'My little Joshy is finally growing up.'

'What do you mean?' I laugh. It was Monday morning and we were driving to school. I hadn't had the opportunity to talk to Liam on Sunday as he was 'unavailable' (or very hungover).

'Well,' Liam pauses for a second. 'You've finally out-grown your man-whore phase and you've finally found a girl you want to be with!'

I sighed. 'I wasn't the man-whore, that was you, remember? I didn't sleep with every girl I dated, I just dumped them after I discovered that all they wanted was popularity and would do anything I wanted. I wanted a girl who wouldn't come running to my every need and who would challenge me.'

'And Jenn fits into that category,' Liam understood.

'Exactly,' I confirmed. 'She didn't make it blatantly obvious that she wanted to be with me like most girls would, and she seems genuine and awkward which is... cute.'

'Awwww!' Liam teased. 'You're smitten.'

I blushed and laughed. 'I just really like her.'

'I can see why,' Liam said as we approached our school. 'She's so hot. But are you sure it's wise to get involved with someone just before finals?'

'Firstly,' I said. 'She's not just hot, she's gorgeous. Even when she's not dressed up like she was on Saturday. And secondly, that thought did cross my mind, but she's very smart and focused, and I know that she won't let me distract her. Hopefully I'll be able to do the same.'

I stopped the car and we hopped out.

'Right,' Liam said. 'Good on you. But just one other thing.'

'Yeah?' I asked as we approached our first period classroom - English with Robsey. I couldn't wait to see Jenn.

'Do you think that your reputation will cause some issues in your relationship?' Liam asked seriously. 'Like she mightn't be able to trust you. She could always suspect that you're going to dump her, cheat on her or use her like you've done with other girls.'

'Wow, you make me sound like a horrible person' I laughed weakly, trying to reassure myself that I wasn't.

But in actual fact, I was really surprised at how serious and attentive he was being this morning. He'd usually crack crude jokes or ogle at passing girls and not pay any attention. I appreciated his concern. But what he'd just said had planted a seed of doubt within me. Was Jenn going to be able to trust me?

- Jennifer's P.O.V -

I'd decided that I was going to show Mr. Roberts up on Monday morning by being really early to his class. I'd set my alarm really early and made sure I was ready in time to catch the bus. I was looking forward to seeing Josh today.

Sam met me at the bus stop and we caught the bus together. We'd resolved our issues on Sunday and we'd agreed to not let anything like that happen again. After all, we'd been friends for 5 years and we weren't going to let that all go down the drain over such a trivial argument. Sam had agreed to to try to be friends with Josh, and I'd agreed to not flaunt my relationship in front of him.

Sam and I separated at the school gates. He went to the library to do some study before class because we were so early. I, on the other hand, went straight to my English classroom and sat in my assigned seat. I pulled out my copy of Homer's Odyssey and started catching up on the reading I'd avoided.

At 9:50, I was still the only one in the classroom when Mr. Roberts walked in to deposit his books on his desk. He looked surprised and a little startled to see me sitting there reading.

'Ms. Lawrence,' he said, eyeing me suspiciously. 'You're early.'

'Yes, sir, I am' I nodded knowingly.

'Didn't want to be late today, huh?' he said, provoking me.

'Oh no, of course not, Sir,' I said sarcastically, emphasising the word 'sir'. 'Wouldn't want to interrupt you again, would I?' I smirked.

'Certainly not' he said seriously, oblivious of my sarcasm.

Other students began to file in, seating themselves around me. I went back to reading when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to meet Josh's eyes.

'Hey!' he smiled and leaned in to kiss my cheek.

'Morning!' I smiled, very happy to see him.

Liam winked at him in the background.

'Mr. Hutcherson,' Mr. Roberts called from the front of the classroom. 'Please refrain from displaying your affections in class and go to your seat.'

The male population of the class chucked and wolf-whistled while most of the girls just glared at me with green eyes. I felt my cheeks burning.

'Sorry, Sir!' Josh called and flashed Mr. Roberts a charming smile. Josh quickly turned back to me when Mr. Roberts turned his back. 'See you later, beautiful' he whispered into my ear and made his way to his seat.


At lunch Sam and I made our way from honours Chemistry to the cafeteria.

'Please sit with us!' I pleaded to Sam.

'I don't know...' Sam hesitated. 'What about the others?'

I used to sit with Sam and his friends but they were more his friends, not mine. He had gone to elementary school with some of them so I understood his hesitation to sit with Josh's group.

'They'll be there tomorrow,' I said. 'They won't miss you for one lunch time!'

Sam rolled his eyes. 'Fine,' he gave in. 'Just for today. But please don't act all coupley with your boyfriend, ok?'

'No problem' I smiled and he reciprocated.

We joined Josh, Liam and the rest of their group at their table.

'Hey!' I smiled at Josh. 'Do you mind if my friend Sam sits with us?'

'Sure' Josh smiled. We all chatted and talked for a while. It turned out that Sam had more in common with the other guys than either of us had expected. Sam follows football religiously and talked to Liam about it for ages.

Halfway during lunch, Josh turned to me.

'Hey Jenn,' he said. He looked kind of worried which made me feel concerned. 'We need to talk.'

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