Chapter 31

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Hey guys, I had to change my username/the name of my story to avoid risking my friend finding my fanfic (it's a long story, but I like to keep my fanfictions private from my close friends/family unless I inform them otherwise). Anyways, I hope you enjoy.

- JS

- Josh's P.O.V - 

A small gasp escaped Jenn's mouth so I turned over to face her. The worried expression on her face was illuminated by the light emanating from her phone.

'Jenn, what is it?' I groaned.

'It's - ' she paused. 'It's nothing.'

She clicked the button on the top of her phone and the light disappeared. I heard her place her phone on the bed-side table and felt her pull the blankets up over her torso.

'Jenn, obviously it was something,' I persisted. 'What's going on?'

She sighed and turned to face me. 'It was a message from Nick.'

'What?' I asked with slight alarm. 'What did he want?'

She grabbed her phone and showed me the message. 'He obviously figured out what was going on between us,' she shrugged.

'I thought he already knew?' I asked. 'Didn't he make that assumption when you two broke up?'

'I thought so too,' Jenn said. A puzzled expression crossed her face. 'But I suppose after a while he guessed I was telling the truth when I said there was nothing going on. I guess he has proof now, although, I'm not sure how that could be.'

'Yeah,' I agreed. 'We were very diligent with keeping it a secret, I'm not sure how he could have possibly found evidence.'

Jenn sighed. 'Let's just worry about this in the morning,' she suggested. 'I'll talk to my publicist. She'll know what to do.'

I nodded in agreement. Aside from us, our publicists were the only ones who knew what was going on between us. 

'Ok,' I yawned. 'Goodnight Jennifer.'

'Night, Josh,' she replied and kissed me on the cheek.

- Jenn's P.O.V - 

The next morning we were awoken by 'Snap Out of It' by the Arctic Monkeys, which I'd set as my alarm. I reached out to turn the alarm off while Josh rolled over and groaned. 

'Ugh, it's too early,' he complained. 'I don't feel like getting up.'

'Come on, sleepy-head,' I giggled as I nudged him with my elbow. 'We have a lot to sort out today.'

His face assumed an expression of concern. 'Oh, yeah,' he said. 'The Nick thing.'

'Yeah,' I sighed. 'I really thought this would all blow over and I wouldn't have to deal with it again. But knowing my luck, it has to resurface, doesn't it?'

'Jenn, I'm sure we'll sort something out,' Josh reassured me. 'We'll chat to our publicists today and they'll sort it all out.'

'I know,' I said. 'It's just that, this is all my fault. I was the one who cheated on Nick, I was in the wrong. If only I had broken up with him before I did anything with you.'

'Well, it's not just your fault, it's mine too,' Josh reasoned before his expression morphed into one of hurt. 'Do you mean that you regret what we did?'

'No, Josh, I didn't mean it like that,' I stuttered, trying to find the right words to use. 'I mean't that I should've broken up with him a while ago so I could be with you. I don't regret what we did at all.'

'Ok,' he smiled. 'And yeah, sure what you did was wrong, but it's in the past now. Plus, you weren't happy with Nick. He made you feel bad about yourself.'

'Yeah,' I nodded slowly. 'But that doesn't excuse my behaviour. I just hope he doesn't let the press or the public know about this.'

'Yeah,' Josh agreed.

Josh and I got dressed and ready for a long day at the set. However, before we were due on set, I'd managed to schedule a last-minute meeting with our publicists. At 7:30am, we sat with my publicist, Anna, and Josh's publicist, Richelle and explained the situation to them in the comfort of Josh's hotel room.

'Ok, well this is quite a tough situation,' Anna said, observing the text that Nick had sent me. 'He's either bluffing and jumping to conclusions, or he's actually somehow uncovered evidence of you cheating.'

I buried my head in my hands. 'Why? Just when I thought things were looking up, why does he have to come along and ruin it?'

Josh placed an arm around my shoulders and rubbed my back soothingly. 'Jenn, it's ok, we're all human and we all make mistakes. We'll sort this out somehow.'

'Well, no matter who is to blame,' Richelle explained. 'This is certainly not the right way to go about this situation.'

'Indeed,' Anna agreed. 'He should've spoken to his publicist before confronting you directly. But don't worry Jenn, I'll talk to his publicist and we'll sort this thing out before anything goes public, okay? Now, don't you two worry, just concentrate on acting today. I'll contact you tonight, Jenn.'

'Ok,' I nodded. 'Thank you both so much. I didn't sleep well last night because of this.'

'I'll let you know how it goes, Jenn,' Anna said. 'Now, we have to go, but you two have to be on set in half an hour so I suggest you both get ready to head off now too. I'll see you later.'

And with that, Anna and Richelle left Josh and I alone in his hotel room. We sat quietly for a minute before Josh spoke. 

'That went alright,' he said. 'Just don't let it bother you anymore. Anna will sort it out.'

I nodded. 'You're right. Anyways, we should head off soon.' I stood up, grabbed my bag and looked around for my sunglasses and keys. I obviously appeared jittery and even a little nervous about this whole situation because as I was fumbling around for my sunglasses Josh gently placed his hands on my shoulders and looked me directly in the eyes. 

'Jenn, stop worrying,' he said calmly. 'It'll be ok.'

He pulled me in close for a kiss. What started out as an innocent kiss quickly transformed into a passionate one. Before I knew it, our breathing had grown heavy and I was pressed up against the wall while Josh was forming a trail of kisses down my neck. He briefly ceased his kissing and looked at me.

'What time does the driver get here?' he asked in a breathy voice. 

'Quarter past 8,' I responded, panting slightly. 

'How long do we have?' he enquired. 

'About 10 minutes,' I said, looking at the clock on the opposite wall.

'Ok,' he said, grabbing my hand and leading me to the bedroom.


We arrived on set just on time. I was instructed to go directly to hair and makeup while Josh was in wardrobe. When I was seated and in the process of being transformed from Jenn to Katniss, my on-set assistant, Kiera, approached me carrying a bouquet of roses. 

'Jennifer, these were dropped off for you this morning just outside your trailer,' she explained, handing the roses to me. 'I'm not sure who dropped them off though.'

'Oh,' I said, a little surprised. 'What a sweet gesture. Thanks, Kiera.'

I inhaled the sweet scent of the roses and assumed that Josh had planned this or something. However, when I turned the bouquet over, I discovered a little card that read:

"Do you really think that you can lie to me and get away with it? - N"

So, I'm writing a new Joshifer fanfic simultaneously, and it's called "Just Friends". Please check it out, especially if you're enjoying this fic, thanks! (Link is in the comments!)

- JS

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