Chapter 20

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This chapter skips a lot of time, but I hope that's ok - I didn't want to go through and write at the details about exams etc. so, enjoy :)

- JS

- Josh's P.O.V - 

The morning after prom, I woke up with Jennifer in my arms. I felt her breath against my bicep and her warm body against my bare chest. With her eyes closed and her mouth open a little, she looked so peaceful. I softly touched her hair, careful not to disturb her.

Last night was... well... amazing. I honestly hadn't expected Jenn to agree to it, but she had. It wasn't my first time, but it was hers and I wanted to ensure that it was her best. She was in pain and I was ready to stop whenever she wanted me to, but she insisted that I continue and that she would get past the pain. I felt really terrible seeing her in pain, but she eventually started to enjoy it.

Now, seeing her here looking so peaceful and happy made me feel better. After sitting and stroking her hair for a while, she began to stir.

'Hmmmm...' she mumbled, rubbing her eyes. 'Morning, Josh.'

'Good morning, beautiful,' I said, trailing my fingers up and down her arm before entwining in hers. 'How are you feeling this morning?'

'Great,' she smiled and leaned up to peck my lips. 'Last night was amazing, by the way.'

'Are you sure?' I asked, my hand now travelling down her body to rest in the curve of her waist. 'I didn't like hurting you.'

'It wasn't that bad,' she replied, smiling. 'What time do we have to be out of here?'

'11am on Sunday,' I said.

Her eyes opened wide in shock. 'Wait, so you booked this room for two nights?' she asked. 'And my parents agreed?'

'Yeah,' I shrugged. 'They trust us.'

'Wow,' Jenn said, still shocked. 'Well, we'd better take advantage of this.'

'What do you mean?' I asked. I grinned cheekily and I winked. I was hoping that she and I were thinking the same thing.

'We should order food,' she laughed. 'And I know what you were thinking. We'll get to that later. But for now... food!'

As requested, I called room service and ordered an amazing breakfast that I was sure Jenn would like. 

'So, Jenn,' I said, taking a bite out of a piece of bacon. 'Any plans for where you're gonna go for college?'

'Well, I've applied for many places around Kentucky,' she explained after finishing a mouthful of pancake. 'But I guess I'll have to wait and see who accepts me.'

'You won't have any trouble getting in anywhere,' I smiled. 'You're so smart, I'm sure you'll get into Medicine anywhere.'

'I hope so,' she said. 'What about you? With all these offers, how are you going to choose?'

'I'm looking at perhaps going to the University of Louisville,' I told her and she looked up at me. 

'I applied for there too,' she said.

'Really?' I smiled excitedly. 'Wouldn't it be great if we both got in?'

'Yeah,' she said hesitantly. 'But I'll probably choose the University of Kentucky as I've already been offered priority registration because of the honours program. I did honours Chemistry, honours Physics and honours Human Biology.'

'Right,' I said, my smile fading a little. 'Well at least Lexington and Louisville aren't too far away from each other. Only about 70 miles.'

'Yeah, about an hour and a half away,' she nodded in agreement. 'Much closer than we are from both those places right now.'

I nodded and smiled. I knew that I would miss Jenn if we went to separate colleges, but as she'd pointed out, we wouldn't be too far away. But we should really be worrying about our SATs at the moment which started in a bit over a week. 

We spent the day watching TV, eating and mucking around in our room. I felt so relaxed spending the day with Jenn - it was almost therapeutic. 

- Jennifer's P.O.V - 

By the time we had to go home on Sunday, Josh and I had become very acquainted with each other. But now, I couldn't let myself be distracted by him. I studied all week for my exams, texting Josh on occasion. Since both of us were almost guarenteed spots in our colleges of choice on the provision that we kick ass in our SATs, it was important that we do the best we could do.

Our final exams and SATs came and went pretty quickly. I felt that I did very well in the SATs and I definitely felt that my study had really paid off. Josh was in the same exam room as I, so the minute we got out of the exam room, I met up with him.

He hugged me and smiled a huge smile. 'Jennifer!' he exclaimed.

'We've finished!' I shouted with excitement. 'I feel so relieved!'

'Do you think you did well?' he asked. 

'Yeah, it was a piece of cake,' I said. 'Speaking of which...'

Josh laughed. 'Yes, well there'll be cake at Liam's tonight.'

'Oh shit!' I said. 'I completely forgot we were going to Liam's end-of-exams party tonight.'

'That's cool,' Josh said. 'Do you still want to go?'

'Sure,' I said. 'What time is it?'

'At 6:30, but I'll pick you up at quarter past,' he explained.

'Ok,' I said, smiling. 'Can't wait, but I've got to go home and see my parents.'

'Me too,' he replied. 'I'll see you later then.'

'Yep,' I said. 'See you later.'


'We're free!' Liam shouted after a small heartfelt (and kind of dirty) speech he gave at his party while standing on a table. The crowd of students around him cheered and roared with excitement.

The DJ started the music up again, and everyone began dancing and mucking around. It was amazing to be free and to be relieved of all that stress that had been building up throughout the last few weeks.

'How do you feel?' Josh shouted over the music.

'Amazing!' I yelled back. He pulled me close and kissed me quickly. 

'Do you wanna stay over at mine tonight?' Josh whispered into my ear. 'Mum, dad and Connor are visiting family in New York this week so we'll have the place to ourselves.'

'Sure,' I smiled at him and winked. 'I'll just ring my mum and tell her.'

Josh nodded and I headed out to the front of Liam's house.

Mum picked up the phone immediately. 'Oh, hi Jenn,' she said. 'I was just about to call you.'

'Yeah?' I asked. 'What's up?'

'We just got a call from the University of Kentucky,' she said.

Wait, what?!

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