Chapter 14

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"How dare you? How dare you accuse Sahil Bhai of this!" Tia yelled, "He did not do anything. I was the one who tried to flirt with Tarun. Me!"

"Tia," Sahil said firmly.

"No, Sahil Bhai. I am not going to sit around and listen to someone accuse you," Tia turned to look at me, "I did it all by myself. There. You have your truth. Sahil Bhai had asked me to stay away."

"You are no different from Kiara," I shot back. I couldn't believe what I was hearing–and with blatant disregard for our relation.

"At least Kiara di went after what she wanted," Tia replied coldly.

I felt anger bubble inside me. She was justifying Kiara to me!

"Tia. That is enough," Sahil warned.

Tia wasn't done yet. "I felt sorry for you once, because of what Kiara di did. I don't anymore. You don't deserve Sahil Bhai," she spewed. It felt no less than venom when it hit me.

"Tia!" Sahil screamed.

"You are shouting at me for her, Sahil Bhai?" she asked teary eyed, "I hate you!," she yelled at me, before stomping away.

I watched her leave with a sinking feeling. Her words had hurt. More than I would have liked to admit. 

Sahil and  I were left alone with our silence. 

I closed my eyes. I could not look at Sahil. Not after what I had accused him of. I knew I was wrong. I knew it the second those words left my mouth. But it was too late to take them back. 

"She will not go near Tarun again, I promise you," Sahil said. There was a rigidity in his voice that I couldn't ignore.

"I know you have made up you mind about my involvement and intentions in this," his voice was distance, devoid of any warmth, "I don't know if you will believe me when I say this, but I am not trying to break your wedding. I would never do that to you."

Each word felt like a pin pricking my heart. The sad part was that this time, I deserved it. 

I had thrown an accusation at him that was a lot more vile than the words that Tia had said. 

I knew that I had hurt him a lot more than he hurt me, right then.


That prick stayed with me the entire night and the next day as well. I tried to search for Sahil. To apologise for my words. But he had gone before I had a chance. 

It was a different matter that what I had said wasn't something that deserved easy forgiveness.

If Tia had spoken about my accusation with anyone, I never knew because everyone was walking on egg shells around me. I guess the news of my breakdown and bathroom destruction had travelled far and wide across my family, because everyone was giving me concerned looks. 

I could feel their eyes on me every second. My every move was under scanner. People were rushing to help me before I asked for it.

The only one not rushing to help was the one I was looking for. The one who had seem to gone missing. 



"This is our basketball court," Pooja said pointing at it.

Pooja had taken it upon herself to show Tarun around our college. Pinky had joined us. 

I knew what Pooja was trying to do. She wanted me as far away from Sahil as possible. To her, he was always a risk to me. Someone who would break my heart. Someone who I was weak around.

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