You know I don't know if I get Butterflies in my stomach when I see someone I'm attracted to, it's more like a mad curiosity. As in, why do I find this person attractive?? And is there more to them?? All in all it makes me speak to them and ask millions of questions which leads me to stumble over my words and sound like an idiot.
Gosh I wish I could tell you that you make me nervous, I wish I could say that you make me speechless. I even wish I could say that you make all my dreams come true.
But the truth is that you don't.
You make me confident in every choice I've made because it lead me to this moment where our eyes could meet
You fill my mouth with words I didn't even know existed so that I can tell you in so many ways that you're inestimable.
You make me dream beyond anything I could've imagined and you go with me to make them a reality.
To tell you the truth you don't even put Butterflies in my stomach, you open me up and help me release everything that is inside, my beauty and my weakness.