Chapter 17: Foreshadowing

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"Oh, bloody hell," was Draco's first words when he woke up the next day to find Harry beside him, sitting up already awake and watching him. He stared at Harry, who stared back happily, and pinched himself for good measure. When it hurt, a giddy grin made its way to his lips and chased away whatever tiredness he still had left from what little sleep he had last night. He looked at Harry, almost shyly. "I thought I was dreaming again."

Harry raised an eyebrow in amusement.

"Well, I've certainly had countless of dreams about you, some of them seemingly very realistic," Draco said defensively. He felt triumphant, though, when a rosy flush rose on Harry's cheeks. He smiled. "So is this really real?"

Harry laughed a carefree sort of laugh that had Draco's heart fluttering happily. "You could always check," Harry offered, grinning.

"Oh," Draco breathed out, thinking about how he must have died and gone to some sort of paradise where all your dreams come true. He sat up as well, shifting on the bed to lean closer to Harry and keeping their lips mere centimeters apart. His smile mirrored the Gryffindor's, big and stupid and just unbelievably ecstatic. "I've got to be thorough then, to be sure," he murmured, before lunging forward and pressing his lips to Harry's in a melting kiss.

Harry certainly gave as much as he took.

Further in the morning, as the thought of breakfast roused the students one by one, Pansy and Blaise caught Neville outside the Great Hall, just as the boy was about to open the door.

Pansy immediately strode towards Neville, cheerfully latching an arm around his just in case he ran away which, judging by his panicked expression, he was considering doing.

Blaise, however, stood stiffly at the side, glowering at Pansy who happily ignored him.

"Don't be like that, Longbottom," Pansy chirped, too cheerfully for this early in the morning. "I just wanted to say sorry about the Furnunculus threat yesterday. I did a lot of thinking and I didn't really mean it. Look, I'll even let you get a hex in Greengrass later when Draco comes to collect –"

Neville blinked, and then slowly shook his head. He raised his eyes to Pansy, smiling nervously. "No, thanks, I'll pass –"

Pansy's eyes almost bulged out of their sockets as she gazed at Neville disbelievingly. She looked genuinely shocked, not comprehending how Neville would even consider passing a chance to hex the one who presented him with a love potion without his consent. "She gave you Amortentia, Longbottom!"

Neville's smile turned wry. "Yes, well, that's not the first time anyone's tried to humiliate me," he said, shrugging. He carefully extracted his arm from Pansy, gave them another smile, before retreating inside the Great Hall.

Pansy's stare remained, even as the big doors closed with a sound that echoed through the Entrance Hall. She looked quite dumb-struck. She glanced at Blaise, and saw that the boy was in the same state as her, dumb-struck and disbelieving as he stared at the doors that Neville disappeared behind.

Pansy sighed exasperatedly. "Blaise! Knock some sense into him! Are all Gryffindors that bloody dense? Actually thought that Greengrass gave him Amortentia to humiliate him..." she muttered, crossing her arms with a roll of her eyes."It's unfair how hot Gryffindor boys are, but they don't even know!" she whined.

Abruptly, she then turned to Blaise, one eyebrow rising and her arms going akimbo. "And you're pretty pathetic yourself."

Blaise snapped out of his stupor and turned to her, bewildered. He matched her raised eyebrow with his own. "What?"

Pansy inhaled deeply, and Blaise actually thought that she was going to scold him and Pansy scolded very loudly and very scandalously, but then Pansy merely exhaled and muttered, as if defeated.

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