Chapter 19: It Gets Complicated

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Theodore Nott was still quite numb with shock ever since that dreaded class in Potions wherein he was subjected to the vile concoction and forced to snog Seamus Finnigan. Yes, forced. Never mind the fact that it was he himself that actually pounced on Finnigan and pushed him on the floor and proceeded to shove his tongue inside the other boy's mouth, but it was still against his will!

Now, Theodore was normally a very quiet boy, but now he was just too quiet. It had come to the point where in Crabbe and Goyle started taking notice, and they normally needed a lot of physical prodding (or punching) and visual aids with exploding bright lights and sparkles to notice anything.

It was just that... Theo was not gay.

And he definitely did not enjoy snogging another guy.

He had spent the whole of yesterday locked up in his room, ignoring his classes and muttering to himself that he was not gay and Seamus was gay and he was forced against his will and he definitely did not want to kiss another guy again –

So when Harry Potter walked into the Great Hall that morning with a big smile on his face, that genuine smile that had become rare at least until he started spending more time with Draco and that seemed to light up the whole room, Theo buried his face in his hands and cursed whoever invented love potions because it must still be in his system if his face was going warm.

"You look happy today," Ron commented suspiciously when Harry plopped down on the seat across from him.

"I am happy," Harry replied cheerfully, his smile going cheeky.

Ron turned green and he actually dropped the pudding he was holding on the table. It made a loud sound against the wood, making the Gryffindors near him and some Hufflepuffs behind him turn their heads to look at the source of the noise. Ron, oblivious to all this and just being Ron, exclaimed in a very pained voice, "Oh, bloody hell, Harry, tell me you didn't!"

Those who turned their heads now leaned closer, ears twitching for information on exactly what Harry 'didn't'.

Harry himself also looked as if he wanted information on exactly what he 'didn't', judging by his confused expression. "Didn't what?"

Ron's eyes couldn't have grown any wider. He cried mournfully. "Oh, no, you did! You did, didn't you? Oh dear Merlin, my best mate's just been deflowered by Draco Malfoy!"

And Harry's face couldn't have gotten pale faster than the words that traveled all throughout the ends of both the Gryffindor and Hufflepuff tables, consequently reaching the Ravenclaw table and ultimately reaching the Slytherins.

Draco Malfoy was certainly very happy that morning as well.

Neville Longbottom was not happy.

No, he wasn't. In fact, he was actually this close to hyperventilating and fainting in the middle of the Gryffindor common room because he had refused to attend breakfast and told his friends that he was going to catch up on homework... which he had planned to do to get his mind off disturbing things but now that the books were open and the quill was dipped in ink, his mind kept on swerving in that direction where things that Must Not Be Talked About were stored.

At the top of that list right now was the Potions homework that Professor Snape had given them last night.

Just below that list, in small and crooked letters that looked like it was just squeezed there against the writer's will, was 'Blaise Zabini'.

"I don't really see why they're all surprised," Draco said matter-of-factly from his seat between Harry and Ginny. (He could have sat on Harry's other side, where he would have been between Harry and Ron instead, but he liked this seat better. It was nearer. Not that it made his egoistic inner Slytherin happy. It really was just nearer. Really.)

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