Chapter 25: The Truth Hurts

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"Why did you lie to him?"

Draco's eyebrows were furrowed together in both suspicion and caution, but the dread that had crept up on Harry when he remembered that Draco could tell he was lying slowly dissipated as he realized the cause of that suspicion and caution.

With a fond smile, he leaned forward and pressed his lips lightly on top of Draco's.

When he pulled away, he was rewarded by the pink flush on Draco's cheeks and his wide-eyed, dumbfounded expression.

"For someone who makes a lot of sexual innuendos, you're awfully flustered with just a kiss," Harry teased.

Draco's mouth opened and he just gaped at him, blinking, before he quickly recovered himself with a shake of his head. He glared at Harry pointedly. "I have had a crush on you since first year, Harry. Sexual innuendos and kisses are two different things for a variety of reasons, one being that innuendos aren't true and kisses –"

Harry kissed him again, eyes closed and smiling against his lips.

Draco was caught wide-eyed again.

Harry grinned when he broke the kiss to speak against Draco's lips. "True enough?"

A mischievous glint sparkled in his eyes.

Draco growled at him. "We are going to talk about this, Harry. Just after this snogging session."

Harry's laughter carried throughout the room before it was efficiently shut up with a kiss.

The bed curtains were drawn closed.

Professor Holly Bridgewood stumbled out of her room with a splitting headache and a swimming vision. Where was the toilet again? Oh, it was back in her room. But wait. Where did her room go? Wasn't she in it just a while ago? She looked behind her and her vision swam again.

Oh, she's always had such poor eyesight! Where were her glasses? Where, oh, where did she put them?

As she searched for her glasses in the middle of the second floor corridor, a thud to the back of her head made her stop abruptly. It took her a few seconds to realize that she had hit her head on the wall. Oh. But the collision made the glasses on top of her head fall down to her nose and she smiled to herself as she fixed them in place.

The world was still spinning though. Oh, dear. What was happening to the world?

A black color was seeping, crawling on the walls and on the tapestries that hung on them. Bridgewood frowned to herself.

Mister Filch really ought to clean that up, was her last thought as the black crawled to her and enveloped her completely.

As the sun rose higher in the sky and the clock on the wall read five past ten, Harry arranged his head so that it fit more snugly under Draco's chin.

Draco's soft breaths ruffled the hairs on top of Harry's head while Draco's hand ruffled the ones at the back. Harry draped an arm across Draco's chest and felt at home.

"D'you remember back at Grimmauld when we were talking about what to do with Nagini?" he started and felt it when Draco tensed at the sudden change in subject. Harry couldn't blame him. They were having a very fine snogging and coddling session just a few minutes ago after all.

The arm that was draped across Draco's chest reached further across so that Harry's hand curled around Draco's upper arm. He ran his thumb soothingly across the cloth of Draco's sleeve.

Slowly, Draco began to relax.

"How to kill Nagini, you mean?" he said dryly. It amused him how innocent Harry seemed, even after everything that had happened, that he didn't even want to use the word 'kill'.

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