Chapter 26: Seeking

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That was the first thing. It was always the first thing.

Gone was the haze of contentment and happiness that had consumed him earlier. He could feel the Amortentia fading away, could feel his adoration for Theodore Nott slowly crumble to be replaced by the shock of betrayal and anger.

But he couldn't even register that shock and anger properly, because everything just hurt so bad.

Something was in his mind, tearing open a hole with invisible hands, reaching in, forcing its way inside –

No. Don't come in.

The invisible hands pried the hole open wider and reached in –

No no no no no

The hands were in, they were in, frantically groping, searching, seeking –


It found something. Held on to it with a vicious grip and pried that open too.

Harry heard blood-chilling screams echoing in the Chamber.

He belatedly realized it was his.

Draco. Draco's face twisted with such anger and hurt.

Hogsmeade. That warm feeling, spending the whole day with Draco, home


Remus no no no Remus couldn't have done it, Remus wouldn't have, he would never

(Too shallow. Something as important as that had to be carefully guarded in a place somewhere deep. Go deeper. Inside. Bypass the unimportant things, they don't matter, all that matters is – Ah. What's this? So many walls. So heavily guarded.


Tear the walls down. One by one. Tear it apart.)

Harry's eyes rolled to the back of his head. His body, convulsing with pain, sagged against Nott's hands.

With every wall that was tore down, Harry felt a sharp spike of pain lance through his head and down his body.

He clutched at his head, screaming, sobbing, make it stop, please, make it stop...

(Ah, finally...)

The Dursleys. Locking him up in the cupboard. Dudley jumping on the stairs and raining sawdust on him. Coughing until it hurt his chest, and Uncle Vernon kicking his door and telling him to shut up shut up shut up get out and make dinner boy you're not allowed to eat supper get back in that cupboard and don't make a noise

Ouch, that hurts, Uncle Vernon, stop please please stop

Once a freak, always a freak

Faggot, Dudley said. No no no you don't know Cedric Cedric's dead because of me no

Don't lie to me boy

No, Uncle Vernon, please

One must not tell lies, Harry.

The Blood-Quill. Lines upon lines upon lines of blood. Kept it in his trunk. Don't know why.

"Don't bother fucking lying to me, Potter."


First year, second year, third year, fourth year, fifth year, sixth year, seventh year, eighth year, always so conscious of that white-blond hair

Draco Draco Draco Draco Draco

I must not tell lies

I must not tell lies

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