Chapter 20: The Chase

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"Well, what a lovely day, Potter. Look at what you've gotten us into!"

Harry's head snapped up at that and he sat up from his sprawled position on the floor and glared. "What I've gotten us into? Excuse me, but I was under the impression that I have no control over these little accidents of mine, and no one certainly invited you to come along!"

Draco glared back, and it was reminiscent of their early Hogwarts years. "If you hadn't pulled that little boorish act of yours and walked off like a child about to run and tattle to his mummy, then I wouldn't have needed to come along!"

"You wouldn't have needed to come along otherwise!"

"And who else would get your sorry ass out of trouble?"

"As it turns out, you kind of failed in that part, Malfoy, considering we're now stuck in this ruddy place –"

And Harry froze in the middle of emphasizing his point by flailing his arms and motioning to the entirety of the room, only to realize that the 'room' was actually ohshitfuckingbloodyhell –

The Chamber of Secrets.

Draco didn't seem to notice the giant statues of snake heads, but that was really because he had his back to them the whole time and was facing the corner at the front of the room where Harry had fallen.

"So we're back to last names now?" Draco sneered, standing up and angrily dusting off his robes, which proved hard considering that they were now soaked in water that's probably swarming with germs and other unhygienic creatures.

Harry snapped out of his shock at that and went back to their glaring contest. "I seem to recall that you did it first!"

Yes, Draco seemed to recall the very exact same thing, but he wasn't about to admit that. Nor the fact that Harry calling him 'Malfoy' again after finally calling him 'Draco' smarted.

"I feel justified since you've more or less made me fall to what could have been certain death had I not been born with the natural adeptness for quick thinking and wand waving!" he said instead.

Harry rolled his eyes, ignoring the unsaid implication that he was not born with said natural adeptness as well as the little thought at the back of his mind telling him that yes, he would have most certainly broken his ankle again and maybe a few ribs and maybe his whole right arm if it weren't for Draco's agilely cast Cushioning Charm.

"I did not make you fall. The madman intent on incapacitating me did, now shut up because I need to concentrate," he muttered, because he just had the greatest idea of looking at the Marauder's Map to hopefully determine who his attacker was and if they were still in the vicinity of their Transfiguration classroom. (Actually, the idea was Remus', but not at this moment so Harry was taking that right.)

Draco, however, did not like being told to 'shut up'. "You bloody wanker, Harry Potter, you don't tell me to shut up. My own mother does not tell me to shut up and I bloody well think that my boyfriend shouldn't tell me to shut up when I'm trying to talk to him!"

And in the middle of saying the incantation to open the Map, Harry's head kind of went into haywire and his blood kind of rushed towards his cheeks because did Draco just call him his 'boyfriend'?

Harry wished they weren't fighting so he could properly feel good and happy and all those wonderful stuff, but the thing was that they were fighting so he summoned up another crafted insult towards the tip of his tongue but it never got very far from that because when Harry looked up, he was surprised to see Draco as pink as he was, eyes wide and hands clamping on his mouth at his slip-up.

And Harry did feel good and happy and all those wonderful stuff.

"I'm sorry," he said finally, and though it was with great difficulty to admit his faults, it was kind of worth it in the way that Draco looked at him, surprised, confused, and a little bit amazed. So Harry continued as apologetically as he could. "I'm sorry I told you to shut up. That was inappropriate of me. And I'm sorry I walked out earlier."

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