Fighting with Fire

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Riding this train across to my new life was extremely peaceful. I was the only one this train cart and watching the scenery was beautiful so maybe someone could explain to me why I was so angry. Oh I know why because I’m moving to whole new place that I know no one to live with older brother who can do no wrong. Why did I have to punch that kid in face? I could be in my warm bed or out with Tiffany or Alice or Lindsay whatever girl it was that came up to crying when I left. I guess being a bad ass and picking fights wasn’t the best idea when you’ve already been kicked out six different schools. Mom’s had enough I guess and she gave me an ultimatum either live with my perfect brother Simon in California or she would send me to military school. At this very moment I would rather go to military school than have to follow Simon the Great rules. There was one thing I am going to miss about home, Sarah. I wondered how she would do without me there. Would the older boys pick on her? Would she ever understand fractions? Who was going to cook her dinner on nights mom had to work overnight? I didn’t even say goodbye to her I was too angry last night to come out and she was gone to school before I got up this morning. I could feel the rage rising up inside me again. Rubbing my hands over my face trying desperately to calm down. The sounds of Austin screaming in my ears was calming. There was something about the new Of Mice & Men album that was just pure bliss to me. In my opinion they were better with Aaron. I bobbed my head to the music and drifted into a world of my own.

     “Now arriving Union Station. Please take all personal belongings when exiting the train.” A voice over intercom explained taking me out of my trance.

     Shit we were here already? Grabbing my duffle bag and tightening the straps on my oversized backpack I climb off the train. I met by a chilly breeze. Shit I thought California was suppose to be the sunshine state with the perfect weather all year round. This is bullshit. I choose the wrong day to wear a tank top and shorts. I need to find a bathroom to change or I’m going to catch my death.

Making my way to the front I try calling Simon again. Yet once again it went straight to voicemail like it has all day. Seriously he knew I was coming today where in the hell is he? He couldn’t possibly be that busy. I knew one thing for sure that I wasn’t going to wait around for him to actually decide to grace me with his presence. I was freezing my nuts off out here. I hailed a cab, the only thing was I didn’t know where the hell Simon lived so that kind of screwed me on that end. The cab driver gave me an annoyed looked.

     “Where to kid?”

     “Just Sweet bakery.”

     “Okay kid what city is that in?”

     “I don’t really know man. This is my first day in Cali and my stupid brother didn’t come to get me so I’m going to his job.”

     The cab driver shook his head and just took off. I pulled out my phone seeing it only had 5% percent left I quickly looked up the address to Just Sweet and gave it to the driver.

     “You know this trip will easily cost you over hundred bucks.”

     “Shit. Well I guess my brother will be paying me back.”

     “The same brother that forgot to come get you. Yeah right.” He laughed.

     I felt my fist tighten up not because he was laughing in my expense but because he was right. Simon had forgotten about me so made me think he was going to pay me back.

When we arrived at Just Sweet I couldn’t believe my eyes. It was large than what I expected. Maybe it was bitter and jealous side of me that always thought that my brother’s store was just a hole in the wall. Here in front of me was far more than a hole in the wall. The brick exterior was freshly painted, there was large glass window with a dark tint that you could barely see inside. A large sign with neon cupcake with the words Just Sweet coming out of frosting bag. I passed the cabbie a hundred as I slid out of the seat.

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