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The thugs stopped and turned to look at the voice's source. It was a young man dressed in armor, brandishing a steel sword.

"What?" a thug asked. "You want a piece too?"

"While I can't deny that a 'piece' of that attractive, scantily clad young lady would be satisfying, I won't allow you to continue with your dastardly actions."

"I didn't choose this outfit!" Jun protested.

"How are you going to stop us?" asked a thug.

The man focused for a bit, then launched forward, his sword a silver blur. He struck each thug once, giving them a shallow cut. At the end of the attack, he stood between the thugs and Jun. The thugs blinked, taking a second to register what had happened. Then, they all screamed and ran away.

"Thank you so much!" said Jun.

"It was nothing but my duty," said the man. "You seem lost. Would you like to come to my guild house to get your bearings?"

Jun nodded.

"Of course, thank you," she said.

Jun followed the man back to a building in the northern part of town. They entered.

"I'm back!" yelled the man. "And I have company!"

Four attractive young women came running to the entrance of the guild house. One was dressed in armor over a dress, another in form fitting brown leather, one in a long white gown, and another in a witch's outfit similar to Jun's, except black and with a gown instead of a bikini. Jun noticed her own lack of modesty and blushed.

"Introduce yourself," said the man.

"I'm Jun," Jun said.

"What did you mean you didn't pick that outfit?"

Jun explained what had happened.

"Oh, that's weird," said the witch. "I wonder how that happened."


Jun sat in the blue throne room of the blue haired goddess. The throne room was full of various magical weapons and armor.

"You may choose any two of the items before you to use to defeat the Demon King in your new world."

Jun smirked confidently.

"I only need one," he declared, pointing at his selection, "you."

The goddess scowled.

"For your attempt to cheat, and your astonishing lack of originality in doing so, I sentence you to go to the new world as a girl, dressed scantily, and with only a weak magic staff, now, be gone!" she exclaimed.

Jun nodded thoughtfully and hummed.

"I'm sure something like that happened," she said. "Who could've known it was an anime goddess?"

All the guild members laughed nervously, then huddled in a group to talk to each other.

"She's clearly gone mad," said the knight girl.

"I can hear you!" Jun exclaimed.

The guild members unhuddled.

"Look," said the man, "we don't really need a second witch, but you're welcome to stay here until you find your feet."

"Thank you!" said Jun

"While you're here, Selia can teach you magic."

The witch girl nodded.

"There's nothing wrong with your staff," she said.

"Thank you all so much!" Jun said.

"For now, you should rest.

Jun nodded and went to bed and slept.

Life in Another World as a WitchWhere stories live. Discover now